Page 16 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 16


                                  CESSNA SKYCOURIER

                                  TURBOPROP TAKES FLIGHT

              extron Aviation announced the suc-
        Tcessful fi rst fl ight of its new twin uti lity
        turboprop, the Cessna SkyCourier. The milestone

        flight is a significant step toward entry into ser-

        vice for the clean-sheet aircraft, and it kicks off
        the important flight test program that validates

        the performance of the Cessna SkyCourier.

          “It was an exciting day for our employees,
        our suppliers and our customers. The Cessna
        SkyCourier performed exactly as we expect-

        ed, which is a testament to the entire team
        of men and women who worked together

        to prepare for this day. I’m proud of the way   tal, flight controls and avionics systems.  & Whitney Canada PT6A-65SC engines,
        the team has persevered through disruptions   “We were very pleased with how the Cess-  will be offered in various configurations

        caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic and   na SkyCourier performed throughout its first   including a 6,000-pound payload capable

        remained focused on getting us to this point.   flight. It was particularly impressive to see   freighter, a 19-seat passenger version or a

        The Cessna SkyCourier will be an excellent   how stable the aircraft handled on takeoff     mixed passenger/freight combination, all

        product in its segment due to its combination   and landing. The Cessna SkyCourier already   based on the common platform.

        of cabin flexibility, payload capability, supe-  displays a high level of maturity in its flight   The Cessna SkyCourier is designed for

        rior performance and low operating costs.   characteristics, especially for a first flight. We   high utilisation and will deliver a combi-

        Our customers will be very pleased with what   were able to accomplish everything we want-  nation of robust performance and lower

        they experience from this aircraft,” said Ron   ed on this flight, and that’s an excellent start   operating costs. Cessna SkyCourier will

        Draper, president and CEO, Textron Aviation.  to the flight test programme,” Eckhart said.  feature the popular Garmin G1000 NXi

         The Cessna SkyCourier took off from the   The prototype aircraft, along with five addi-  avionics suite and offer highlights such as

        company’s east campus Beech Field Airport,   tional flight and ground test articles, will contin-  a maximum cruise speed of up to 200 ktas

        piloted by Corey Eckhart, senior test pilot,   ue to expand on performance goals, focusing on   and a maximum range of 900 nm. Both
        and Aaron Tobias, chief test pilot. During the   testing flight controls and aerodynamics.  freighter and passenger variants of the

        two-hour and 15-minute flight, the team test-                          Cessna SkyCourier will include single-point

        ed the aircraft’s performance, stability and   RELENTLESS CAPABILITY   pressure refuelling as standard to enable

        control, as well as its propulsion, environmen-  The Cessna SkyCourier, featuring Pratt   faster turnarounds. Q

                          BOEING NAMES DELANEY

                                            teams who design, build and service the air-  craft cleanliness procedures and identify

                                            planes and all those who fly on them," said   other areas to further reduce the risk of
                 oeing has announced that Mike   Boeing President and CEO David Calhoun.   airborne illness transmission.”

          BDelaney will lead the company’s    "Mike's deep technical expertise,   Boeing’s effort will build on the indus-

           Confident Travel Initiative, effective   leadership skills, industry knowledge and   try’s enhanced safety approaches - in-

                                                                              cluding enhanced cleaning, temperature
                                            great passion for our customers make him
           immediately.                     uniquely qualified to lead this effort."  checks and the use of face coverings - and

            Working across the industry, Delaney’s    The Confident Travel Initiative team will   promote the proven systems already in

           team will work to develop new solutions to   work with airlines, global regulators, and   place to help maintain cabin cleanliness.

           help minimize air travel health risks amid   industry stakeholders, flying passengers,   One such system is the air filtration system

           the COVID-19 pandemic and drive aware-  infectious disease experts and be-  present on all Boeing airplanes. The air

           ness of health safeguards already in place.   havioural specialists to establish indus-  filtration system incorporates High Efficiency

            Delaney brings 31 years of Boeing   try-recognised safety recommendations.   Particulate Air (HEPA) filters similar to those

           experience to the role, including previous   The team is also advising operators on   used in hospitals and industrial clean rooms.

           executive leadership positions in airplane   existing, approved disinfectants that are   “Air travel is coming back,” said Delaney.

           development and engineering, and serves   compatible with the airplane flight decks   “As that happens, we want passengers and

           as vice president of digital transformation   and cabins and testing other sanitizers.  crews to board Boeing airplanes without

           at Boeing Commercial Airplanes.    “Our commitment to ensuring the   hesitation. Our goal is to provide a safe

            "As air travel slowly begins to resume and   health of airline passengers and crews   experience from curb side to airplane and

           restrictions ease around the globe, health   is unwavering,” said Delaney. “We’re   beyond. Common system-wide standards

           and safety remain our top priorities for our   working with partners to enhance air-  are key to a safe experience.” Q
                                                   World Airnews | June 2020
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