Page 18 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 18


                                  CONTACT TRACING, MASKS

                                  AND TEMPERATURE CHECKS

               irlines and airports are recommend-
       Aing a layered approach to tempo-
        rary safety measures as air travel restarts,

        warning that no single measure can mitigate
        all of the risks during the pandemic, according

        to a briefing document seen by Reuters.

         The plan laid out by the Internation-
        al Air Transport Association (IATA) and

        Airports Council International to reassure

        governments it is safe for the public to
        fly includes contact tracing, temperature

        screening, social distancing, extra cleaning   The industry supports reliable COVID-19   measures will cap airport and aircraft capacity

        and wearing masks.                 testing, but at the moment virus and   once travel demand grows, the document said.

         “Successfully restarting air passenger   antibody tests are not a viable solution   Security and health screenings should be

        travel while restoring confidence in the   at airports and there is no confirmed evi-  mutually recognised when possible so that

        safety of air travel are vital pre-requisites   dence yet that antibodies confer immunity,   transfer passengers do not need to line up

        to enabling the global economy to recover   according to the IATA and ACI document.  and be re-screened, leading to additional
        from COVID-19,” the groups said in the doc-  Should health-screening measures be nec-  human contact, IATA and ACI said.
        ument, which has not been made public.   essary, it should be done long before passen-  “There is currently no single measure

         “In normal times, aviation delivers (US)   gers arrive at the airport, the document said.  that could mitigate all the risks of restarting

        $2.7 trillion in global GDP contribution.”  Temperature checks on airport entry and   air travel,” the document concluded.

         IATA and ACI declined to comment specif-  exit are not likely to prove 100% effective   “However, we believe that an effective

        ically on the document but both said they   because they may miss mild cases and those   implementation on an outcome basis and

        were working with industry partners on a   in the incubation period, but the measures   layered approach, of the above-mentioned
        consistent global approach. Many airlines   could play a useful role in reassuring passen-  range of measures that are already possi-

        and airports around the world are imple-  gers and deter travel in the case of suspect-  ble, represents the most effective way of

        menting measures such as requiring masks   ed infections, according to IATA and ACI.  balancing risk mitigation with the need to

        and leaving middle seats empty, in some   Social and physical distancing should be   unlock economies and to enable travel in

        cases due to government requirements.  limited to the initial restart phase because the   the immediate term.” Q
              B-17 FLIGHT - ‘THE FINAL MISSION’
                                            of EAA’s B-17 tours, we have been priv-
                                            ileged to hear hundreds of remarkable
                ersonal and poignant accounts   stories and anecdotes from individuals
          Pof fl ying the Boeing B-17, one of   and families who are connected with
           history’s most significant aircraft,  are   the B-17 Flying Fortress,” said Jim Busha,

           revealed in the book The Final Mission,   EAA’s vice president of publications,

           newly published by the Experimental   marketing, and membership. “This

           Aircraft Association.            treasure trove of deeply moving first-
                                            hand accounts has never been brought

            The book, written by Chris Henry with   together in one place. That is why EAA
           Hal Bryan, collects personal remem-  thought it so important to publish this
           brances from World War II veterans   volume, while we can still salute some

           who flew combat missions aboard B-17s,   of those who originally built, flew, and

           including those who flew again aboard   maintained the B-17, along with remem-

           EAA’s aircraft more than 75 years later   bering those who made the ultimate

           during one of its national tours each year.   sacrifice. Especially now in conjunction   experience firsthand each of the 10 crew

            The stories are uniquely categorized   with the 75th anniversary of the end of   positions aboard the aircraft.

           by the 10 crew positions in the aircraft.   World War II, we feel these stories need   The book also features forewords
            The book also includes recollections   to be shared for future generations.”  from Gemini and Apollo astronaut Frank

           from “Rosie the Riveter” builders,   The Final Mission is illustrated with near-  Borman, a US Air Force veteran and EAA

           Women Air force Service Pilots, current   ly 200 photos and features in its pages QR   lifetime member and Dr. Harry Friedman of

           B-17 tour pilots, and others who have   codes that lead to exclusive video content,   the Memphis Belle Memorial Association.

           unforgettable memories of the B-17.  including an actual flight of EAA’s B-17   The book is available for order on

            “Over more than a quarter-century   Aluminium Overcast that allows viewers to Q
                                                   World Airnews | June 2020
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