Page 20 - World Airnews Magazine June 2020 Edition
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delivers considerable added value through ter-based antibacterial cleaner to remove
its antibacterial qualities. ink and stain marks from leather and soft
n innovative cleaning system “It significantly outperformed expec- furnishings.
Airlines, hotels, guesthouses, lodges, support to the many millions of people Awhich shift s deep-seated stains tations in latest scientific assessments at Made of natural products which reduce
restaurants, meeting venues and related whose livelihoods are heavily dependent in aircraft interiors has won new certifica- the respected Kappa Laboratories, further any odour after application, it can also be
used on interior parts including plastics in
confirming its ability to eliminate potential
ive international air transport and businesses face mounting losses. Typical- on our sector,” said Gloria Guevara, WTTC tion for its power to wipe out potentially deadly strains of bacteria. galleys, seats and WCs.
deadly bacteria.
president and CEO.
Ftourism bodies have launched an ly travel and tourism comprises 80% of Flitetec’s MX14 Aero antibacterial “MX14 Aero is also effective decontam- It offers cost savings by eliminating the
small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
“Air transport and tourism industries
appeal to international financial institu- To preserve cash, many have already are among the worst impacted by the cleaner for soft furnishings, leather and inating surfaces of Covid-19 and complies need to repair or replace soiled furnish-
tions, country development partners begun laying off or placing staff on un- COVID-19 pandemic. Air transport is plastics flew through clinical tests of its with stringent regulations and rigorous ings through cleaning whilst maintaining
and international donors to support paid leave. critical for the economic development and ability to eliminate E.coli, listeria mono- aerospace specifications so operators can their fire retardant properties, ultimately
Africa’s Travel and Tourism sector which “The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak integration of the African continent. As cytogenes, salmonella typhi and staphy- use it with confidence both for mainte- enhancing the passenger experience with
employs some 24.6 million people on the is being felt across the whole travel such, support to the airline industry will lococcus aureus. nance and for any deep cleans of aircraft cleaner cabins.
African continent. and tourism value chain. The sector is aid in a faster economic recovery. An end Scientists at the US Government reg- before they return to service.” Trevor said,“MX14 Aero is water soluble,
Without urgent funding, the COVID-19 particularly exposed with millions of of operations by African airlines would istered Kappa Laboratories Inc in Florida Trevor said, “We would be very pleased biodegradable, safe and yet incredibly
crisis could see a collapse of the sector in livelihoods across the world, especially trigger a host of serious financial conse- rated the solution as 99.9% effective within to make MX14 Aero samples available on a effective in removing stains and eliminating
Africa, taking with it millions of jobs. The within vulnerable communities, support- quences, while replacing the air service 30 seconds of use against the bugs. trial basis for airlines and MRO operators to surface bacteria.
sector contributes (US) $169 billion to Afri- ed by the sector. International financial provided by the airlines would be a chal- Now UK-based Flitetec is offering free help them adapt to new realities facing the “All packaging is made of recyclable ma-
ca’s economy combined, representing 7.1% support is key to ensuring that travel and lenging and costly process. Urgent, imme- MX14 Aero trials to airlines and mainte- aviation industry.” terials and it has refillable dispensers, so no
of the continent’s GDP. tourism can lead to wider economic and diate and consistent measures need to be nance, repair and overhaul (MRO) oper- Global aerospace company Flitetec is a single use plastic is involved.
The request is being made by the Interna- social recovery in these communities,” taken for the survival and rebound of the ators to help the aviation sector lift off total cabin interiors support provider. Its “It is the only cleaner in the industry to
tional Air Transport Association (IATA), the said UNWTO secretary-general Zurab industry,” said AFRAA secretary-general again- especially as the solution is also expertise includes the design, manufacture, be 100% biodegradable, with no chlorines,
UN World Tourism Organization (UNW- Pololikashvili. Abdérahmane Berthé. effective against Covid-19. distribution, maintenance and repair of a bleaches or solvents; leading the way to a
TO), the World Travel & Tourism Council “Airlines are at the core of the travel “The impact of COVID-19 in Africa con- Flitetec managing director Trevor Lea said wide range of aircraft interior products greener cabin and planet.”
(WTTC), the African Airlines Association and tourism value chain that has created tinues to be brutal. Air travel and tourism “MX14 Aero not only offers vast cost sav- and spares. MX14 Aero meets rigorous international
(AFRAA) and the Airlines Association of quality jobs for 24.6 million people in have essentially shut down. Now, more ings at a challenging time for aviation it also MX14 Aero was developed as a wa- standards and regulatory requirements. Q
Southern Africa (AASA). Africa. Their livelihoods are at risk. Con- than ever, international countries need to
These organisations are jointly calling on taining the pandemic is the top priority. come together to help those communities
international financial institutions, country But without a lifeline of funding to keep that are most vulnerable. The survival
development partners and international the travel and tourism sector alive, the of our industry and its allied sectors has
donors to support the African Travel and economic devastation of COVID-19 could serious ramifications for Africa’s entire air Digitising the analogue: Lift your FOQA
Tourism sector through these tough times take Africa’s development back a decade transport system,” said AASA CEO,
by providing: or more. Financial relief today is a critical Chris Zweigen- capabilities to new heights with Spider X
• (US) $10 billion in relief to support investment in Africa’s post-pandemic thal. Q
the Travel and Tourism industry and future for millions of Africans,” said
help protect the livelihoods of those it IATA director-general and CEO Alexandre
supports directly and indirectly; de Juniac.
• Access to as much grant-type financing “The travel and tourism sector is in
and cash flow assistance as possible to a fight for survival, with over 100
inject liquidity and provide targeted million jobs losses globally
support to severely impacted countries; and nearly eight million
• Financial measures that can help in Africa alone due
minimise disruptions to much-needed to the COVID-19
credit and liquidity for businesses. crisis. Travel
This includes the deferral of existing and tourism
financial obligations or loan repay- is the backbone of many econo-
ments and, mies across Africa and its collapse
• Ensuring that all funds flow down will lead to hundreds of millions of
livelihoods being impacted and enor-
immediately to save the businesses mous financial pressure for years to
that need them urgently, with minimal come. Now, more than ever, it is vital In addition to the enhanced tracking resolution introduced in the initial
application processes and without im- that governments work together on a
pediment from normal lending consid- release of Virtual FDR™, Spider X now provides AHRS data - enabling the
erations such as creditworthiness. global coordinated approach towards clearest picture yet of your aircraft’s flight path and movements.
a swift recovery and ongoing support for
Some African governments are trying to travel and tourism. It is critical that the
provide targeted and temporary sup- most vulnerable communities receive
port for hard-hit sectors such as travel international help. The speed and strength
and tourism. However, many countries with which the international community
lack the necessary resources to help the comes together and responds through
industry and these livelihoods through international financial institutions, country Contact Pieter Cronje today to find out more.
this crisis. development partners and internation- +27 66 203 6205 |
The situation is now critical. al donors will be paramount to provide
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