Page 25 - World Airnews Magazine March 2021
P. 25

NEWS             AFRICA



 uilding on the success of Armchair air-  ne of Uganda’s longest-serving
 Bshow, Aerobility, the UK’s leading disabled   Opilots, Capt Charles Karabarinde,

 flying charity, joined by impressionist Jon Culshaw   officially retired after 40 years of service.

 and astronomer Pete Lawrence, plus a host of as-  Capt Karabarinde undertook his final flight

 tronomers, scientists, aviators and artists an hour   from Mogadishu in Somalia to Entebbe Inter-

 long, live-streamed Armchair Aurora event will   national Airport yesterday. He retired with a

 take place on  March 13th at 18:00 (UK time).  record of flying for more than 21,600 hours.

 The free to attend event will be livestreamed   As he shared his career journey, he told how

 via and will take viewers   he had served meticulously not once having
 on a journey of wonder from their armchairs   registered an accident.
 into the skies.  Asked what has kept him in the sky that long,   elevate these airlines. Work towards a common
 Bringing together spectacular Aurora footage,   Karabarinde said his was a calling.  goal and not being selfish to fail the airlines.

 interviews and Q&A with scientists, there will   “If you train, acquire skills and apply them   He observed that much as the aviation course

 be insights on polar aviation and the work-  during your day-to-day life, you register   is expensive, government had promised to come

 ings of the Aurora, all beamed to living rooms   boundless success in your career path. If you   up with interventions to sponsor some students.

 around the UK and worldwide.  have a passion for what you are doing, the   The Chief Executive Officer of Uganda Airlines,

 “This event is just one example of how we   journey becomes smooth,’’ Karabarinde said.  Cornwell Muleya, commended Karabarinde for

 continue to support the disabled community   “I am happy that I was part of the formation   being an inspiration to his workmates.

 and continue to inspire ability through aviation   of the airline. Once you have the experience,   “His inspiration means a lot to the new gen-

 during lockdown, while aircraft are grounded.   it is always good to share it with the young   eration, who are looking at aviation as a career.

 If I were to describe what it will be like, I would   generation,” he added.   He has been able to travel to different parts

 say, think ‘Spring Watch meets the Sky at   He said some of the highlights of his career   of the world and the young generation should

 Night’, said Aerobility CEO, Mike Miller-Smith.   include ferrying one of the Bombardier CRJ900   seek his services.”
 Expert speakers will include:  from Mirabel, Canada, to Entebbe airport at the   He added that currently, the pilots working

 •  Pete Lawrence, the British amateur astron-  launch of the Uganda Airlines and being awarded   on CRJ 900 flight are Ugandans.

 omer best known for his popularisation of   the pilot’s leadership accolade by members of the   “We have 24 pilots and are looking for another

 astronomy on the BBC's The Sky at Night   Uganda Professional Pilots Association (UPPA).    22 for the A330. Obviously we do not have enough

 with Sir Patrick Moore.  He challenged the authorities to be innovative   Ugandans who have flown the A330 before, so we

 •  Nigel Meredith: Space Weather Scientist,   and work towards the betterment of the airlines.  are upgrading and doing training so that they can

 British Antarctic Survey (BAS)  “Think of the future and how you are going to   be able to join that category,”  he said. Q
 •  Rod Arnold: Head of Air Unit, BAS.

 Viewers will be invited to submit questions to
 the experts during the event. To round off the   HELICOPTERS

 evening, the event will conclude with a ‘Sounds
 of Space’ music extravaganza, delivering 30
 minutes of tranquillity and beauty to viewers,
 with aurora footage accompanied by appropri-  SIKORSKY  TO BUILD SIX
 ately ambient music.
 Miller-Smith said, “Armchair Aurora is part of
 our response to the impact of Covid-19.    VH-92A
 Our hope is that the aviation industry, which

 has been fantastic in its support of disabled

 flying, along with others, will find a way to step   Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lot 1, Sikorsky

 forward again to sponsor and support the event,

 so that we can continue to provide disabled   S helicopter maker Sikorsky Aircraft, a   will begin deliveries of six VH-92A helicopters in

                                                2021. The remaining production aircraft will be
 flying when we come out of lockdown. Other   Uunit of Lockheed Marti n, will build six   delivered in 2022 and 2023. The contract also

 donations during the event will be encouraged   provides spares and training support. The VH-

 and anyone wishing to support the cause can do   additional VH-92A presidential helicopters under   92A will transport the president and vice presi-
 so via the website:”  a (US) $470.8-million contract from the US navy.  dent of the United States and other officials.

 Culshaw said the event promises to be an   According to the US department of defence

                                                 The new aircraft will increase performance

 escape from lockdown for anybody of any age.   contract announcements, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.   and payload over the current Presidential

 “What a great idea to bring the magic of the   was awarded a modification to a previous contract   helicopters, VH-3D and VH-60N, which have
 Aurora in to living-rooms across the country. I’m so   from the Naval Air Systems Command for exercis-  been serving over 40 years. The VH-92A will

         es options for the procurement of five Lot Three

 pleased to be involved and to support such a great   low rate initial production presidential helicopters   provide enhanced crew coordination systems

 cause at the same time,” said Pete Lawrence.  replacement programme (VH-92A) aircraft, and   and communications capabilities, plus improve

 A limited number of sponsorship opportuni-  associated interim contractor support, two cabin   availability and maintainability. The VH-92A

 ties are still available. Please contact marcus@  interior reconfiguration kits, support equipment,   aircraft is based on Sikorsky’s successful and for more details or visit www.  initial spares, and system parts replenishment.  FAA-certified S-92A commercial aircraft, which

 Jon Culshaw  Pete Lawrence Q
           Under the terms of the contract, known as   recently surpassed one million flight hours. Q
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