Page 27 - World Airnews Magazine March 2021
P. 27


 Photo by Hans Dorries on Unsplash  environment that allow dissenting views.   TRUST THOSE YOU WORK WITH  ENCOURAGE CURIOSITY

           In a safety critical environment psycho-  Trust the people you have trained. It is   Having an open mind, being accessible
         logical safety is not only important but most   believed that they will execute tasks given   and curious gives an impression that you
         likely to be a barrier between life and death.   to them diligently, efficiently and effective-  care about what others have to say. The

           Like human wellbeing, psychological safe-  ly. Edmondson’s research on psychological   excellent team consists of members who
         ty is important for a healthy organisation.   safety draws a connection between trust   are humble in the face of calamity and are

         Speaking up is made easy when one knows   and psychological safety. She notes that   curious about what others offer.
         that they will not get into trouble for raining   psychological safety describes a team   If you want your employees to be happy,
         up what may not be working well in the sys-  climate characterized by interpersonal trust   inspired, dedicated, motivated, creative,

         tem. In the areas of workplace collaboration   and mutual respect in which people are   imaginative, and high performing, you will

         and teamwork, Edmondson has established   comfortable being themselves.    have to work hard to build a workplace and
         the value of psychological safety.                                     social atmosphere that promotes psycho-
           Today, so many organisations rely on   ALLOW DIFFERING POINT OF VIEWS  logical safety.  We feel free to exchange

         efficient ways of working together (more   It is considered a disadvantage as per psy-  thoughts, and mistakes in a psychologically

         so those in the knowledge economy and   chological safety to stop people from raising   safe workplace. We are less concerned

         operating in complex environment), it is not   issues even if it is something that they do not   about our reputation being protected and

         surprising that alongside employee experi-  like to hear.  The same can be said when one   more focused on doing exceptional work.

         ence and corporate culture, psychological   enforces draconian restrictions on employ-  That is, we are free to concentrate on the

         safety has started to be granted a seat at the   ees, particularly rules or infrastructure that   purpose of the organisation and contribute

         table. Like employee experience and culture,   limit communication. Create copious paths to   to it. Q
         psychological safety gives the impression   leadership, provide feedback channels, and

         that it is hazy and hard to tackle. It might be   promote conversation to overcome this.

         daunting, like most things involving human                               This piece by Matita Tshabalala is a
         beings, especially at the workplace. Howev-  OPEN CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION  Human Factors Specialist/Aviation

 CREATING PSYCHOLOGICAL   er, that doesn’t mean that you should not   Encourage the distribution of information   Psychologist (Registered with the
                                             across various divisions or departments and
         consider addressing or thinking about it, and

                                                                                  European Association for Aviation

         act to strengthen it so that everyone in the   across the corporate hierarchy. In short, at   Psychology. Industrial Psychologist
                                             all levels. Being open to each other not only

         organisation feel safe to speak up.
 SAFETY FOR BETTER RESULTS  HOW TO ENHANCE PSYCHOLOGICAL   provides an atmosphere conducive to culti-  (Registered with HPCSA)

                                                                                    References: Edmondson, A. C.

         SAFETY                              vating successful working relationships, but   (2019). The fearless organisation:
                                             also gives one the courage and confidence to

                                                                                  Creating psychological safety in the

 By Matita Tshabalala, ATNS Human Factors   There are several different ways of foster-  raise any concern as and when appropriate   workplace for learning, innovation,

 Specialist/Aviation Psychologist   ing psychological safety in the workplace.   or required to do so. As a result, before they   and growth. John Wiley & Sons:
                                             become too heavy to manage, problems are
         At least four that are easy to incorporate
                                                                                  Hoboken, New Jersey
 his boss to get help with a request for satel-  say, “I chose not to speak,” or “I felt it was   and work with are hereby highlighted.   prone to be dealt with successfully.
 lite images. His boss thought it unnecessary   not right to speak.” He said that he “couldn’t”

 n her book, “The fearless organisation:   and said so.   speak. Oddly, this description is apt.

 ICreati ng Psychological Safety in the   Discouraged, Rocha sent an emotional   The psychological experience of having

 Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and   email to his fellow engineers, later explain-  something to say yet feeling literally unable

 Growth”, Prof Amy Edmondson (2019)   ing “engineers were . . . not to send mes-  to do so is painfully real for many employ-

 narrate a story of what transpired during   sages much higher than their own rung in   ees and very common in organisational

 NASA’s Space Shuttle Columbia disaster.   the ladder.” Working with an ad hoc team   hierarchies, like that of NASA - in 2003.
 On February 1, 2003, NASA’s Space Shut-  of engineers to assess the damage, he was   We can all recognise this phenomenon. We
 tle Columbia experienced a catastrophic   unable to do anything without the required   understand why his hands spontaneously
 images. A week later, when the foam strike

 re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. All   possibility was briefly discussed by senior   depicted that poignant vertical ladder. When

 seven astronauts perished. Although space   managers in their formal mission manage-  probed, as Rocha was by Gibson, many
 travel is clearly dangerous, fatal incidents   ment team meeting, Rocha, sitting on the   people report a similar experience of feeling

 seem to be part of the territory. This par-  periphery, observed silently.  unable to speak up when hierarchy is made

 ticular accident did not come “out of the   salient. In most instances, Management is not

 blue.” Two weeks earlier, a NASA engineer   A formal investigation by experts would   privy or able to see these intricate develop-

 named Rodney Rocha had watched launch-  later conclude that a large hole in the shuttle   ments in the behaviour of their own staff.
 day video footage, a day after what had   wing occurred when a briefcase-sized piece   Sadly, it is through this silence that nothing

 seemed to be a picture-perfect launch on a   of foam hit the leading edge of the wing,   gets improved in organisations. In high risk

 sunny Florida morning.  causing the damage and resultant accident.   environments such as NASA, where things

 Yet there was something amiss. Rocha   They also identified two, albeit difficult and   are tightly connected, it is through sharing

 played the tape over and over. He thought   highly uncertain, rescue options that might   information that accidents can possibly be
 have prevented the tragic deaths.

 a chunk of insulating foam might have fall-  averted. Psychological safety in such settings

 en off the shuttle’s external tank and struck   Reporting on the investigation, ABC News   is very important and must be promoted.

 the left wing of the craft. The video images   anchor Charlie Gibson asked Rocha why he   SO WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGICAL SAFETY?

 were grainy, shot from a great distance,   had not said anything at the meeting. The
 and it was impossible to really tell whether   engineer replied, “I just couldn’t do it. I’m   Coined by Professor Amy Edmondson, the

 foam had caused damage or not. Rocha   too low down [in the organization] . . . and   term ‘psychological safety’ is a belief that
 could not help but worry about the size and   she [meaning Mission Management Team   one will not be punished or humiliated for

 position of the grainy moving dot he saw   Leader Linda Ham] is way up there,” gestur-  speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns

 on the screen. To resolve the ambiguity,   ing with his hand held above his head.   or mistakes. So often we hear after the
 Rocha wanted to get satellite photos of the   Rocha’s statement captures a subtle but   fact that someone knew or suspected
 Shuttle’s wing. This would require NASA   crucial aspect of the psychology of speak-  that something was going or was likely to

 management to request assistance from   ing up at work.   happen but did not say anything. People   Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash
 the Department of Defence. Rocha emailed   Consider his words carefully. He did not   are more likely to raise their concerns in the
 World Airnews | March 2021                         World Airnews | March 2021
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