Page 34 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 34
C W Price & Co SA Flyer 2015|07
C W Price & Co
C W Price & Co
C W Price & Co
C W Price & Co
C W Price & Co
Aircraft Headsets
For over 50 years, Peltor has led development in protection and
communication for anyone who spends time in noisy environ-
ments. All headsets in the Aviation 8000 series have ambient noise
compensated differential microphones. The earphones have a
broad frequency range for good sound reduction in Fixed Wing
Aircraft and Helicopters.
Ground Power Unit
You can depend on Hobart for full support of your aircraft’s power
requirements AC or DC. Hobart has earned the reputation of being
the “standard” in the industry, trusted for the superior power quality
and excellent durability.
The Red Box RB Series
These man-portable GPU’s use the latest in dry lead acid military
A MEMORABLE DAY / aviation technology which offers many valuable features. Very
rugged, they can be operated, stored or transported in any orienta-
Text and photos by Pieter Cronje tion, even inverted. Safely transported in aircraft, land or sea, they
produce massive power for comparatively low weight and small
During the flight they covered about 11 000 and very much a reflection of a swan. size. They hold their charge for long periods when on standby or in
km and were in the air for about 13 hours. But as a swan, can be very dangerous.
significant and iconic day for the The purpose of the visit was to improve The two planes landing at Waterkloof AFB storage.
ASAAF and aviati on in Africa and relations between the Russian Aerospace were unarmed but they are capable of
the country took place recently Forces and the South African Air force and carrying nuclear weapons. Eagle Tow Tug
On the day two Tu-160 strategic bombers had been many years in the planning. It is The two aircraft are RF-94102 and RF- Nothing moves you like an Eagle tug. Designed and built to meet
of the Russian Aerospace Forces landed at understood that the planes would also un- 94112, and individually named "Vasily
Waterkloof Air Force Base in South Africa. dertake further flights while in South Africa. Reshetnikov" and "Ivan Yargin" or “Ivan the varying demands of regional airlines, corporate fl ight depart-
This was the first time that these Russian The two planes were not the only visiting Yarygin”. It is understood that all Tu-160s ments and military fl ight ops. The Eagle TT series All-Wheel Drive
Strategic Bombers visited Africa. The images of Russian planes. An Antonov 124 and Il 62 had in the Russian Aerospace Forces are named aircraft tractors pack a lot of power in a small package. The ad-
the magnificent TU-160 coming in to land and arrived a couple of days earlier. Despite being in honour of top Russian fighter pilots who
the impressive size of these white planes will be overshadowed by the TU 160’s, the Ant 124 is flew during the Second World War. These vantage of All Wheel Drive provides safe controlled traction on all
etched in the minds of those who saw them. a very impressive plane in its own right. two planes are part of the approximately surface conditions.
The two planes departed from Engels The visit by the Russian Aerospace Forces 16 Tu 160’s in the Russian inventory.
Air Force base in Russia, refuelled over included a seminar with the SAAF on search Although the Tu-160 is very rarely seen
the Caspian Sea and then flew non-stop to and rescue. outside of Russia, they have previously been
South Africa. The flight path followed was The Tu 160’s known under their NATO deployed to Venezuela and Syria. With the
over the Indian Ocean. They did not cross codename of “Blackjacks” are also known SAAF celebrating their 100 year anniversary
any African country until reaching South in the Russian Aerospace as the “White in 2020, it is hoped that this won’t be the
Africa where they entered South African Swans”. And this they are, impressive in last visit of these planes to South Africa, and
airspace in the vicinity of Richards Bay. their anti-flash white, graceful to look at others might also accompany them. Q
C W Price and Co
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