Page 29 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 29


           Shugaev mentioned Angola                                                       Africa was mentioned. A pair

         as another strategic partner of                                                  of Tu-160 accompanied by Il-76
         Russia in Africa. During recent                                                  military transport and AN-124

         the MAKS International air                                                       Ruslan heavy-lifter travelled

         and space salon Angola signed                                                    11,000 km - with refueling - to
         a couple of contracts for the                                                    land at the Waterkloof airbase
         Mi-17 and Mi-24 helicopter                                                       at the same time the summit

         repairmen. He said Russia had                                                    took place. The Russian MoD
         concluded 12 Su-30K multi-                                                       statement named the purpose

         functional fighter delivery to                                                   of the visit as “bilateral military

         the African nation.                                                              co-operation development

           Meeting the Luanda’s                                                           between Russian and South

         requirement Russia is going to                                                   African Air Force”.
         establish a service and main-                                                     Sukhoi Superjet 100 display
         tenance centre for former                                                        at Sochi airport is self-ex-
         Soviet and Russian defence                                                       plainable. The Sukhoi Com-
         hardware.                                                                        mercial aircraft company has

           President of Uganda –                                                          developed a special model to

         another Su-30 user – directly addressed   different ways of payment including state   conquer the African market. The plane has
         President Putin on extra deliveries of com-  and commercial credits.   100 passengers capacity and seems to be

         bat aircraft and tanks on a credit as well as   According to FS VTS officials, in the near   extremely efficient at the lines with 50,000-

         “fast cash” payment schemes.        future Russia will focus on creating service   200,000 passengers’ annual volume. Keep-

           According to the Rosoboronexport (Rus-  maintenance and repair centres around   ing in mind that the continent population
         sia’s sole state mediator in defence trade)   Africa to support earlier delivered equip-  is expected to reach two billion within 20
                                                                                years with the double GNP simultaneously,

                                             ment. Negotiations are being held with An-

 FROM RUSSIA WITH ARMS  CEO Alexander Mikheev, Russia delivers   gola, Ethiopia, Uganda, Nigeria and South   the SCAC estimates an annual growth of

         (US) $4 billion worth of weaponry to nine

                                             Africa about this.
                                                                                the passengers flow as 5%. At the same
         African states this year. He disclosed that

         70% of this went on air force and air de-  Indications are Russia is going to adopt   time most of the African fleet is quite old -

 By Yuri Laskin  fence equipment while helicopters, tanks,   “a low-key and soft power” system to   with over 15 years of service. SCAC consid-

         APCs and small arms share the rest. He said   strengthen co-operation with the African   ers South Africa, Nigeria, Angola and North

 Superjet 100 aircraft (a business jet and   Dmitry Shugaev, the head of federal   the African programme on military-techni-  nations. The recent sensational visit of two   African countries as the most promising

         cal co-operation is substantial and included
                                                                                customers. Q
 a two-class liner in Aeroflot colors) were   service on military-technical co-operation,   strategic Tu-160 Blackjack bombers to South

 he first summit and economic   present at the Sochi airport.   said that the Russian defence export port-

 Tforum Russia and Africa took place   Putin mentioned that Russia has conclud-  folio for African nations exceeded (US) $14
 recently at Sochi, the capital of the Winter   ed agreements on military-technical co-op-  billion including (US) $2 billion. He said that

 Olympics 2014 on the shore of the Black   eration with 30+ countries to whom Russia   Russian annual defence trade with Africa
 deliver defence hardware. Some of these
 Sea. “The velvet season” with tempera-  contracts are done on a charity basis with   comprises 30-40% of the total volume and   BUSINESS
 included not just direct delivery but also
 tures around +25 °C supported by Russian   an African debt cut-off date announced by   upgrade and maintenance packages.

 hospitality brought the unprecedented   the Russian president.  The FS VTS director named the hit list   FOR SALE

 meeting to a great success.  According to Putin the main obstacles   of the arms sales which include MiG and

 All 54 Africa nations sent their high-rank-  to African continental development are   Sukhoi family fighters, Mi-17 and Mi-35

 ing delegations with over 40 national   terrorism, extremist ideology, transnational   helicopters, air defence systems, such as   GLOBALLY RECOGNISED, FULLY CERTIFIED

 leaders as the heads. Eight major African   criminality and piracy. He openly blamed   Pantsir and Tor, plus the Kornet ATGW. “We

 integration associations and organisations   the so-called “Arab spring” as an instrument   have a long waiting list for Kornets”, said   AVIATION AUDIT & RISK MANAGEMENT COMPANY

 were presented at the event.  of North Africa destabilisation. He also   Shugaev. He also confirmed that Egypt is

 The summit was co-chaired by the   condemned the Libya bombing which had   going to equip the French-built Mistral-type
 Russian president Vladimir Putin and his   “perverted the sense of the UN resolution”.   LHD with the Russian equipment including   UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY

 Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.   Putin confirmed that Russia would contin-  Ka-52 helicopters.  SUBCLASS 890 BUSINESS OWNER VISA  • live / work / study in Australia

 The Arab Republic of Egypt is the Russia’s   ue training African military and homeland   “The issue on the agenda is to further   • enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare

 key partner on the continent with a lion’s   security personnel which at present repre-  outfit Mistral ships with our armament and   Allowing indefinite stay in Australia for      • sponsor relatives to come to Australia

 share of (US) $20 billion all Africa trade.   sent more than 20 nations.   Ka-52 helicopters. We   business owner and their family!  • if eligible, become an Australian citizen

 Russian export to the   are involved in serious
 continent consists of   co-operation with that

 more than 80% with   country,” said Shugaev.   • 20 years of operations in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
 food, machinery and   He added that Russia is
 arms as the leading   currently also con-  • Long-term customer base and profitable contracts in place

 triad. And indications   ducting consultations

 are Russia is going to   with Egypt about the   • 2 year handover phase for seamless transition
 extend its defence   delivery of rotorcraft,

 related export to the   electronic warfare and
 African countries. The   air defence systems,
 latest version of the   stressing that the                            

 front-line fighters MiG-  country  “is a leading   +61 (0) 439 031 654
 35 was displayed at the   partner not only on the
 Forum premises being   continent but gener-  ISO 9001:2015      

 teamed with Mi-35PM   ally in the sphere of   Certified  +27 (0) 83 263 4439
 combat helicopter   military and technical
 while two Sukhoi   co-operation”.

 World Airnews | December  2019                   World Airnews | December  2019
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