Page 32 - World Airnews Magazine December 2019 Edition
P. 32
irbus Helicopters’ unmanned VSR700 demonstrator
AND Aperformed its fi rst fl ight under a new confi gurati on at
a drone test centre near Aix-en-Provence, taking off and landing
CASTLES several times while tethered to the ground. Its longest flight lasted
about 10 minutes, according to the Toulouse-based manufacturer.
The VSR700 programme, based on a modified Cabri G2 equipped
for autonomous flight, was launched two years ago on a request
from the French Navy. That prototype flew frequently in 2017,
but Airbus has since redesigned the aircraft to be fully unmanned
rather than optionally-manned.
Dan Mercer's Designed as a multi-mission UAS for naval use, the VSR700 offers
incredible sensory performance comparable to other naval helicopters as full tactical load, which Airbus claims is the “best endurance of any
vertical takeoff/landing unmanned aerial vehicle in its class today.”
well as additional targeting and search-and-rescue capabilities,
round-Britain flight according to Airbus. The aircraft’s maximum takeoff weight is “The VSR700 is a fully-fledged unmanned aerial system, capitalis-
between 1,100-2,200 pounds and it can operate in existing ships ing on Airbus Helicopters’ extensive experience of advanced autopi-
alongside a helicopter with a lower logistical footprint, the compa- lot systems and engineering expertise to provide modern militaries
of handling and flying the real thing- in fact, it's used as part of the ny said in a press release. with new capabilities”, said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters.
training hours for the Spitfire type rating. The new VSR700 prototype is a “step change” from the demon- “This first flight of the VSR700 prototype is a major milestone for
anging it just 20 metres above the sea’s surface in a Spi�ire, Naturally, Dan and Duncan both tried their hands at ‘threading strator that flew in 2017, according to Airbus, with a specialised set the programme as we make progress on the operational demon-
Fand travelling at a cool 250 knots doesn’t really rate as the Needle’ - flying between the Isle of Wight’s rocky landmarks at of avionics, an advanced flight control system, a payload bay in place strator for the French Navy that will perform trials in 2021 in
responsible flying. Doing it through The Needles on the Isle of speeds that would be reckless in real life (unless you had a Mess- of the pilot station, and a sleeker, more aerodynamic airframe. partnership with Naval Group.” Q
Wight? That is exactly what Dan Mercer did. erschmitt on your tail, obviously, which Dan may or may not have The unmanned helicopter has a maximum speed of 114 mph, a
This was part of a journey around the entire coastline of Britain been imagining). The duo made the real-life pass through The Nee- ceiling of about 20,000 feet and an endurance of eight hours with a Article courtesy:
that Dan and his friend and co-pilot Duncan, completed earlier dles in the R44 the following day, in decidedly bumpy conditions.
this year, to raise awareness for the need of new blood donors in From there, it was go, go, go - a journey that Dan and Duncan
Great Britain. Dan has worked alongside Iridium for 20 years, which both admit was tiring but more rewarding than both initially imag-
is where his connection with Spidertracks comes in. Iridium helps ined.
power Spidertracks’ technology, so it was a no-brainer using a They stopped each night at local landmarks, visited a variety of
Spider unit during the adventure. blood banks, and educated and encouraged locals to “pledge a
Having a Spider in the cockpit meant the team had the reas- pint” for a cause that the pair both are highly passionate about. See weather beyond the horizon.
surance that someone back at HQ was watching their progress in The life of Dan’s wife was saved by a vital blood transfusion after
real-time, especially seeing as they were spending significant flying suffering unexpected internal bleeding and Duncan received a
time over remote regions of the country and water. transfusion on the very first day of his life. Introducing powerful live weather overlays - right within your flight tracking screen -
It also meant those following the journey and those who were “The white cliffs of Dover, the counties of Devon and Cornwall,
expecting his arrival could see their flight path online, and could the West Coast of North Wales, Caernarfon, the English Lake enabling quick and easy visibility of global weather conditions.
roll out the welcome mat, so to speak, at just the right time. District, and all the way around the Scottish Highlands were simply
spectacular,” said Dan. High-resolution radar, infrared satellite imagery, lightning, and wind layers are
ANYWAY, BACK TO THE JOURNEY... One fond memory was landing in a remote spot called Ward-
The first overnight stopover on this epic fundraiser flight was house in Scotland where, after setting down in front of a spectacu- now available. Learn more at
at Goodwood Aerodrome near Chichester. Home to Boultbee lar ruin, the helicopter was greeted by friends and locals from the
Academy, it’s the only place in the world still training Spitfire village with a picnic on the grass.
pilots. They have four restored Spitfires in their fleet; two of
which are rare two-seater TR9 training planes, and the other two DAN AND DUNCAN
being single-seater Mark 9’s. One of these is known as the City of “It was an amazing flying experience,” said Dan.
Exeter Spitfire, and other, the “We saw just about every type
Silver Spitfire, which has been of British weather, good, bad
restored in polished aluminium, and highly changeable. We met
and currently on its own world the most wonderful people in
tour, also using a Spider.
the hospitals, the blood centres,
R44-SPITFIRE airfields, castles, pubs and hotels
Dan parked his R44 next to all the way round.”
the City of Exeter Mark 9, and And of course having the
proceeded to spend some time Iridium network and Spidertracks
in Boultbee’s special simulator. providing flight following capa-
This has been built from bility meant that - despite being Experience the difference today. Contact Pieter Cronje to discuss
genuine Spitfire parts, over half at times in very remote locations getting started with the world’s most trusted flight data solution.
of which saw service in World - eyes were always on them and +27 66 203 6205 |
War II, offering the pilot an ‘as their location was known at all
close as you can get’ experience ti mes. Q
World Airnews | December 2019 World Airnews | December 2019
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