Page 28 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 28

AFRAA                                                                                                                    AFRAA

                                  GOVERNMENT MUST TAKE                                                                                                    AIR TRANSPORT INDUSTRY IN

                                  ACTION                                                                                                                  AFRICA

                                                     IATA director general CEO Alexandre de Juniac

                                                                                                                                         rallying call for airlines to take
                                           four African carriers have ceased oper-                                              Aspecifi c measures to build resil-
                                           ations and two are in administration.

              he International Air Transport   Without financial relief, many others                                            ience and emerge stronger after the crisis

        TAssociati on (IATA) Director General   will follow.                                                                    was issued by the African Airlines Associa-

        and CEO Alexandre de Juniac shared his   "Over (US) $31-billion in financial sup-                                       tion (AFRAA) at the end of its 52nd Annual

        concerns about the state of flying in Africa   port has been pledged by African govern-                                 General Assembly.
                                                                                                                                  The Assembly further called for a
        at the 52nd AFRAA AGA this week.   ments, international finance bodies                                                  multi-sectorial and pragmatic approach by

         He revealed that aviation numbers in   and other institutions, including the                                           governments and stakeholders to support
        Africa were “staggering”. He said traffic is   African Development Bank, the African                                    the recovery of air transport industry and

        down 89%, and revenue loses had expected   Union and the International Monetary                                         interrelated sectors such as tourism.
        to reach (US) $6-billion. He urged govern-  Fund. Unfortunately, pledges do not

        ments on the continent to take action to   pay the bills. And little of this funding                                      The AGA, hosted by TAAG Angola Airlines,

        improve the situation.             has materialised.                                                                    was held in virtual format under the theme:

                                                                                                                                “Redefining Air Transport for a New Era”.
         "The consequences of the breakdown   "And let me emphasise that, while we

        in connectivity are severe. Five million   are calling for relief for aviation, this is                                   The Assembly brought together top Afri-

        African livelihoods are at risk, and avia-  an investment in the future of the conti-                                   can airline CEOs, industry partners, leaders
                                                                                                                                of international and regional air transport

        tion-supported GDP could fall by as much   nent. It will need financially viable airlines                               associations including the African union,

        as $37-billion. That’s a 58% fall.  to support the economic recovery from                                               IATA, ICAO, AFCAC, TIACA and more than   access to market-leading services to African   emphasized the importance of co-ordinat-
         “We have a health crisis. And it is evolv-  Covid-19," he said.                                                        400 delegates from 76 nationalities across   airlines, and developed a recovery plan re-  ed efforts and a collaborative approach as a

        ing into a jobs and economic disaster. Fixing   The second priority, he revealed, is the                                the globe.                          volving around nine pillars of interest to the   way to secure business continuity.

        it is beyond the scope of what the industry   safe reopening of borders using testing and                                                                   sector and a comprehensive strategic plan   An appeal was made to governments and

        can do by itself. We need governments to   not implementing any quarantines.  are still subject to a mandatory 14-day     Speaking as chief guest, Transport   that is geared towards helping the industry   development financial institutions to con-

        act. And act fast to prevent a calamity,"   "People have not lost their desire to   quarantine. Who would travel under such   minister of the Republic of Angola Ricardo   meet its aspirations.”   tinue supporting the industry as a means to

        he urged.                          travel. Border closures and travel re-  conditions?                                  de Abreu said, “We are conscious of the   Berthe said, “We are all committed to   secure the continent’s social and economic

                                                                                                                                enabling role that aviation plays in facili-

         He believed that governments in Africa   strictions make it effectively impossible.   "Systematic testing before departure pro-  tating trade and growing our economies.   overcoming the unprecedented challenges   recovery given the sector’s strategic contri-

        needed to address two priorities. He   Forty-four countries in Africa have opened   vides a safe alternative to quarantine and   As we collectively navigate these times,   raised by the COVID19 pandemic, impacting   bution to national GDP.

        said they should unblock committed finan-  their borders to regional and international   a solution to stop the economic and social   we will seek to emerge from this pandemic   our industry. During these difficult times, I   TAAG Angola chief executive officer Rui

        cial relief.                       air travel.                         devastation being caused by Covid-19," he        more resilient, organized and determined   wish to express AFRAA solidarity with the   Carreira said, “Our strategic deliberations

         "Airlines will go bust without it. Already   "In 20 of these countries, passengers   explained. "We will rise again," he said. Q  to succeed.”             aviation industry's supply chain.  at this 52nd AGA have set the foundation

                                                                                                                                  In a comprehensive analysis of the indus-  “As an aviation community, the COVID19   for the recovery and successful restart of

                TRAVEL                                                                                                          try’s outlook for 2021 and beyond present-  had been the occasion to work closely   our industry. Although we foresee a slow

                                                                                                                                ed in AFRAA’s annual report it was stated   together to find solutions and determine ac-  recovery, we are currently implementing

                                                                                                                                that recovery of traffic in Africa is expected   tions for restart and recovery of the aviation   key measures that will restore passenger

                                COMAIR OPENS FOR                                                                                to start with domestic markets.     sector. We need to keep alive the on-going   confidence and optimize our operations for

                                                                                                                                                                    efforts to support the resumption and foster

                                                                                                                                                                                                       a more affordable and successful industry.”
                                                                                                                                  Intra-African routes are projected to

                                                                                                                                follow suit, while international traffic is ex-  a resilient Air Transport system in Africa.  This year’s summit saw two new mem-

                                                                                                                                                                     “It provides an opportunity to rethink our
                                            BOOKINGS                                                                            pected to take more time to reach pre-cri-  industry and develop a winning perspective   bers join namely Overland Airways Limited

                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Syphax Airways. This brought the asso-
                                                                                                                                sis levels due to a challenging operating

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ciation’s membership to 47 African airlines.

                                                                                                                                                                    for the airline industry, which is instru-
                                                                                                                                  AFRAA secretary general Abdérahmane   mental for the economic development and   Similarly, De Havilland Canada, PRODIGY

                                            of our airline brands and a greater range   it signed a franchise agreement with the   Berthé said, “This is a pivotal moment in   integration of the African continent.  Avia Solutions Limited and South African

                                            of competitive fares, they now also have   UK’s largest carrier. It has been British   our history as we aim to repo-    During the Assembly, key stakeholders   Tourism joined the associations’ partnership

                outh African low cost airline   the option of booking in business class,”   Airways’ most successful franchise.   sition the African air transport                                             programme which serves as a fo-

           SComair has opened bookings for   says Glenn Orsmond, representing the   “British Airways’ ongoing support is a      market towards recovery and                                                    rum for industry-related organisa-

           domestic British Airways’ (operated by   Comair Rescue Consortium.   huge vote of confidence in the future of        sustainability. Now more than                                                  tions to support the development

           Comair) flights.                   The re-introduction of British Airways’   Comair,” says Orsmond.                  ever, operational challeng-                                                    of air transport in Africa.

            From 9 December, the airline plans to   (operated by Comair) flights will also   He said that Comair will initially   es faced by African Airlines                                                   Rui Carreira was re-elected

           begin serving all the domestic British   see the re-opening of the popular,   operate a fleet of 15 aircraft across both   have to be prioritised and                                               president of the Association

           Airways’ routes it previously operated.   award-winning SLOW lounges. Initially   airline brands gradually increasing as the   addressed, especially the high                                       for the year 2021. Desire Bantu

           Regional services will be re-introduced   the domestic lounges at King Shaka   remainder of the fleet returns to service   taxes and charges that hinder                                            Balazire, chief executive of Congo

           as it ramps up to full operations over the   International, Cape Town International   over the next few months.      the growth and recovery of                                                     Airways was elected chairman

           next few months.                 and OR Tambo International will open.   For more detail about the reopening         carriers on the continent”.                                                    of the executive committee.

            “With reservations for the British   The other lounges will re-open as the   of bookings, flight schedules, unused    “For our part as AFRAA, we                                                   Yvonne Makolo chief executive

           Airways’ flights open we’re now able   flight schedule expands.    reservations and what to expect when              tackled the crisis by resolutely                                               of RwandAir was elected first

           to offer bookings on a considerably ex-  Comair introduced the British Airways’   flight operations recommence visit   pivoting our strategic and                                                   vice chairperson of the executive

           panded schedule. As well as giving cus-  brand to domestic and regional routes in   (  tactical resources to support                                             committee while Amal Mint Mao-

           tomers the choice of booking on either   South and Southern Africa in 1996 when   the-skies-again). Q                recovery efforts. We have                                                      uloud, CEO of Mauritania Airlines

                                                                                                                                launched an interactive capac-                                                 was elected second vice chairper-
                                                                                                                                ity sharing portal to provide                                                  son for the year 2021. Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020                                                                                            World Airnews | December 2020
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