Page 113 - Dragon&Fairy in Poetry
P. 113

Thanh Thanh

                Your children have grown up, and by experiment
                Just as you've done, I now act the role of a parent.
                Ageless, the dad is always a young vaudevillian
                While playing with his tots and grandchildren.

                You told the old stories, related each ancient game,
                The jokes, any child would enjoy and acclaim.
                Paternal, maternal granddads light-hearted, gay,
                Again serve as cows, horses for offspring to play.

                It turns out that you and we (as I) am still the dad
                All life the dad to render our cherished kids glad.
                Your grandchildren are like us in infancy, naive;
                You love and stick to them, never want to leave.

                                       Translation by THANH-THANH

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