Page 42 - Dragon&Fairy in Poetry
P. 42
Dragon & Fairy In Poetry
Original “Lại Đến Đền Cuông” by HÀ NHẬT
One cannot, on behalf of whatever, any flaw,
To lay roses on the foreigner Trọng Thủy's dust.
What was he? not her king-father's son-in-law,
But just a deceptive spy, the cruel crust!
He must be called by his precise name.
Do not mention him as Mỵ Châu's flame
To hurt her spirit: He stole her Dad's state secrets
So that the shed blood out of her meekness
Formed each pearl in the East Vietnam Sea.
The betrayer had never known what love is to be.
You should not invite any enemy to your house
Though half a step. Beware of any chouse!
Through four thousand years, a warn to people's brain,
Oh Mỵ Châu, the Peacocks' Temple is a remain.
We must not welcome any enemy to our home,
Even half a pace, to our Fatherland, our dome.
For four thousand years, our country has been so,
Oh Vietnam, may Your glory forever ever glow!
Translation by THANH-THANH