Page 40 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 40

RAMAGUNDAM                                                                   Category-NSG-4

                A     Works completed in the last Five years                                                           (Rs. In '000s)
              Sl.No                       Name of work                              PH         2017-18      2018-19       2019-20      2020-21      2021-22

                1     Augmentation of Running Room at Ramagundam.                    TF                       6000

                2     Provision of Locally operated motor points at RDM yard.        TF                                                 7428

                      Provision of Data logger linking with COA at BIDAR, MUGR,
                3                                                                    TF                                                               685
                      LPI, VKB, BDCR, WL, RDM, SKZR, KRMR & TDU in SC division
                                                                                     TF Total                 6000                      7428          685

                4     SC Divn: Improvments of ligthing in staff colonies at , RDM.  SW           335

                      Ramagundam  - Replacement of type II quarters with
                5     type-IV for SSE/C&W/Ramagundam,                               SW                        2950
                      RDM - Proposed construction of staff quarters Type-II- 3
                6                                                                   SW                                     2995
                      units for RPF staff.
                      Replacement of old 'K ' type quarters (Bl. No.20/8, 5/4,6/1
                7     & 7/1) with Type â   II (G+1) quarters 14 units at            SW                                                  14025
                      RAMAGUNDAM    station.
                      RDM- Improvements to staff quarters , towards BPQ end at
                8                                                                   SW                                                  3000
                      Ramagundam station.
                      Improvements to Balconies and Sewerage system to staff
                9                                                                   SW                                                                825
                      quarters in KZJ-BPQ section.
                      RDM-Improvements to staff quarters (i.e., tiles of toilets and
                      bathrooms, kitchens, inside flooring, kitchen platforms,
                10                                                                  SW                                     3000
                      drainage system, rear court yard doors and other inner
                      doors etc, towrads BPQ end at Ramadundam station.

                                                                                    SW total     335          2950         5995         17025         825
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