Page 157 - CRS Engineering
P. 157

iii) If tank quality for classification as RAT                        YES

                B) Tank Bund
                i) Is the top level of the bund uniform and                            YES
                as oer the standards?
                ii) Is the top width of the bund as per                               YES
                iii) Are the slopes as per the standards?                             YES
                iv) Any dangerous gullies or scour of the                              No
                C) Surplus Weir
                i) Condition                                                          Good
                ii) Is the Length adequate for Design                                 Yes
                iii) Is Danger Level marked                                           Yes,
                D) Condition of the Sluices                                           Good
                E) Any Past history of Breach of the                                   No
                tank if so. details.
                D)                                                Sluices 1&2 are early Year Reconstructed.

                            Assistant Engineer,                           Deputy'fx^clM'^e Engineer,
                              Irrigation Section,                           Irrigation Sub-Division,
                                  YERPEDU                                       SRIKALAHASTI.

                                                                         Assistant Divisional Engineer,
                                                                            South Central Railway,
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