Page 101 - Then Came the Glory
P. 101

"Go to Awassa!" The Lord Jesus gave Tekle this direct call and he obeyed on January 28, 1968 and started a church. He reached out to Titira and Aleta Wondo and the churches grew rapidly, especially Titira because of big miracles done by the name of Jesus. Soon six thousand people overflowed the church pastured by Erkenesh's brother, Tamiur and Brother Zerihun. The Lord directed Tekle to space the churches five kilometers apart. Instead of
crowding all the saints in one church, let the people
travelling long distances build churches in their own village and witness to their neighbors to fill it. The two pastors
would not cooperate with Tekle's instruction because they loved money.
The Lord aimed at spreading the revival quickly, and though the pastors did not support Tekle's directions, the
people did. In a short time thirty churches sprang up, and before long they increased to sixty churches. When Tamiur saw this he became an enemy and accused Tekle as a CIA
agent to the government. Zerihun, motivated by greed conspired with Ato Hailu, the presbyter of Sidamo Section

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