Page 103 - Then Came the Glory
P. 103

Because the dead lived again, the blind received
sight, and the sick found deliverance ffom all manner of diseases by the power in the name of Jesus, the church being
strengthened gave birth to churches imtil the enemies of the
Gospel trembled in fear.
The daughter of the minister in Leku town Shebedino
died. The place had only one graveyard belonging to the Orthodox Church. The preacher asked permission to bury his
daughter there and they refused. The body lay at home for two days and on the third day, the police forced the church
to allow the burial. The people rioted and tried to kill the believers. When the police left, the priests agitated the people to beat our people unmercifully and to destroy their property.
Though robbed and naked the saints encouraged themselves with prayer and wimessing. When they prayed for a well-known man of the town who had been sick for
many years the Lord raised him up; this turned the heart of the townspeople toward the church again. In a short time
eleven Evangelical churches came repenting and were
baptized in the name of Jesus. Within a few months the Lord
helped the ministers to found forty-seven churches in Shebedino. The government began to respect this sizeable
segment of the population and gave them cemeteries in every town. With the lies of the denominations against them proven
false, the churches now have rest and are encircled with
glory and praise.
When someone witnessed to Nejo, a wealthy nominal
church member and saloon keeper, he accepted the whole
Gospel, closed the bar, and obeyed God's call to step out full time in the ministry. He began by wimessing at the nearby
Evangelical church and the voung people followed him at Q1

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