Page 105 - Then Came the Glory
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people raised from the dead became a regular feature of his ministry long before time for his ordination.
A man who saw his sick children made whole by Brother Molla's prayer gave him land to build a bigger church and the miracles continued. Thirteen Evangelical churches became converted under his teaching, so within three months he represented fourteen churches which expanded rapidly. He previously did a good work as a member of the Sudan Inland Mission, and in the truth, God gave him immense favor with all the Apostolic Churches. At a minister's conference in his district, the preachers chose Brother Molla for their presbyter. Tremendous growth in the whole area followed this move.
Our oldest Apostolic Church in Awassa, begun by Brother Tekle, still has many of the original members who
bravely tasted the indignity of arrest and endured torture serving God firmly in every circumstance. Before the formal organization of the church, they sacrificed to keep the ministry alive by forming Mother and Father Auxiliaries to feed them.
During the pastorate of an aged preacher named Hailu Fantaw we obtained 16,500 square yards of land for
a church. With amazing strength Hailu dug a well, planted trees and built a church about 30x50. He felt deeply grieved over the closing of the church by the Derg, but kept the church body alive by ministering from house to house in those perilous times. Even though the Cadres threatened to confiscate any home used for prayer, faithful followers of the Lord offered to sacrifice their homes by allowing the saints to gather in them for worship.
When Brother Ashenafi became pastor with the support of an attorney and the ministry of Town

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