Page 193 - Then Came the Glory
P. 193

 And the Work Prospered
of Jesus I climbed over the ten foot high wall with broken
glass and barbed wire at the top without injury and hurried to a friend's house to call the police.
Meanwhile the thieves wasted time trying to find me and managed to steal only two video decks before the police came. The police took some of the vandals into custody; others escaped. One man grabbed the sack of Sunday School offering and tried to escape over the back fence. He made it with injuries that left a trail of blood, but had to drop the
sack of money inside where we retrieved it. We took the
guards to the hospital for stitches and prayed for them and the Lord healed them completely. They told us the men came
to kill our whole family, take everything of value they could
find, and destroy the church building. Again, the name of Jesus saved us from the merciless sword of the enemy.
Work on the Conference Center progressed. While
lifting one of the one-ton steel beams to hold the roof, those on the ends with ropes to guide it misunderstood instructions.
Instead of holding steady, they turned loose. The beam fell on me and though it cruelly crushed my leg, I thanked God for sparing my life. I disobeyed doctor's instructions to stay off my leg and hobbled on crutches to supervise completion of the task. This trial of pain lasted over a year before the Great Physcian touched me and made me whole.
March, 1993 found Billy Cole with another team of
helpers, prayer warriors, and notable visitors on their way to Wara in Sidamo for the second miracle crusade. Brother
Harry Seism, Director of Foreign Missions; Brother Kenneth
Haney, an editor. Superintendent of Christian Life College, and pastor of an unusual mission-minded church made the
never-easy journey to revival, along with Bobbye Wendell, widow of Kenneth Wendell. These folks who pioneered the

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