Page 192 - Then Came the Glory
P. 192
Then Came the Glory
weight of people crammed inside and clinging outside like flies. After a few short messages, testimonies, and songs,
and a confusing division of the haves and have nots, they came to the point Billy felt God's time had come and he stretched out his hand toward the have nots and cried with authority, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost!" Instantly thousands of voices burst out speaking in other tongues as the Holy Ghost gave the utterance in fulfillment of the Word And it shall come to pass in the last days saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh..{hc\s 2:17).
They made a conservative estimate of twenty thousand filled with the Spirit. When we attended the
preachers conference and dedication of the E.L. Freeman conference center in February, 1993, we found the believers
fasting and praying for a repeat of the 1992 meetings the
following month. Brother Tekle told us that as the people filled with the Spirit sought the nearest church for baptism in
the name of Jesus, pastors accumulated records of over forty thousand who received the Pentecostal experience that
phenomenal Sunday. (I have never known anyone to keep records as meticulously as the Apostolics of Ethiopia.)
Tekle continues. Not long after the 1992 crusade in
Wara about thirty thugs came with a truck and attacked our
two guards whom they beat with iron bars and stabbed.
Leaving them for dead they broke in our front door. Erkenesh tried to hide under a small table, but I felt no fear
and threw my shoes at these men armed with guns,
momentarily distracting their attention. I heard some of them
breaking in the back door and ran there. As they pushed the door open I slammed it shut knocking Aem down.
Frightened by an angel with a flaming sword in his hand they ran to the front of the house and I slipped out. By the power