Page 191 - Then Came the Glory
P. 191

 And the Work Prospered
Excitedly, the brother replied, "That is the belief of my church, the Apostolic church of Ethiopia! Here, let me give you some tracts and booklets of the church."
Though they had not heard of the church before, a
large number of them came to Addis in 1992 for baptism in the name of Jesus. They returned home to teach the truth to
people rejected by the Orthodox Church because they read the Bible. No doubt, we will soon build a big church in
Akaki, for many are following the Lord, though they assemble in houses now.
How beautiful upon the mountains are tk^feet of him that bringeth good tiSngs; that publisheth peace; that
bringeth tiding of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, thy God reigneth (Isaiah 52:7).
Nona Freeman explains "At the Louisiana camp
Meeting in 1991, Billy Cole came to me, with a question, "Tekle has promised me a crowd of fifty thousand if I come
to Ethiopia to preach. Can he do it?'"
I answered, "If Tekle promises you fifty thousand,
he will not only provide that big an audience, but probably two or three times more. His word is good."
In March of 1992, Billy and a group of preachers
and friends went, not knowing what to expect, but he felt led
to believe God for the unheard of: ten thousand filled with
the Holy Ghost at one time. The gruelling trip to Wara tested
the endurance of those who went, flat tires, engine problems,
misunderstandings, name it, they had it.
On the Saturday, they gave several hours of Bible
teaching to prepare people whose hunger for God moved them to come in spite of circumstances. They walked long
distances, rode cars and trucks (not roadworthy) loaded beyond reason, and ramshackle buses that groaned under the

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