Page 37 - Then Came the Glory
P. 37
Amare's Return
unto me; and I was established in wy kingdom, and excellent
mcgesty way added unto me. Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, al whose words are
truth, and his ways judgment: that those that walk in pnde he is able to abase.
In the twelfth year of our separation from the church
I became seriously ill and despaired of life. Abebach, my
wife, sought help for me and could find none. I wept,
realizing I had no brethren who would come visit is and
pray for me as I hung on the verge of death. God in His
great mercy spared my life.
I did not shed tears in vain, for exactly one year later
Sister Erkenesh came to our home, "God sent me to help you return to the fold. Let us forget the disappointments of the
past and become one again. Jesus tels me there are good things ahead for you if you are obedient. What is your answer?"
"Who am I to refuse a message from the Lord? I
replied, "I am ready to do His will."
After the second visit she brought me to Brother
Tekle and the elders of the church. They accepted me with
brotherly love and with the Spirit of God. Brother Tekle encouraged me with many kind words, "Now, you can work for Jesus with spiritual liberty. If in our separation we have
accomplished a great work for Jesus, we will see how wonderfully He will help us in our unity."
This amazing reconciliation in the church astonished not only the saints in the church but also the outsiders. I carmot easily explain how the Lord has moved me by the
Holy Spirit to seek Him and serve Him wholeheartedly. Now, I understand church government and the sweet communion of the Holy Ghost. My life is a lesson and a