Page 89 - Then Came the Glory
P. 89
Growth in Jengem
in Addis Ababa that I had fled to America, and they arrested Erkenesh because they caught her trying to flee to Kenya.
They made plans to confiscate the headquarters church in Addis, but our neighbor General Tadesse Ferede, a senior
government official knew that I travelled legally, so he blocked them. He then ordered Erkenesh released from the
inhuman torture of the prison.
The great revival in the area where Brother Godana
pastored did not touch the district secretary of the peasant Association, Ato Tadesse Duko. Because Godana revealed the imprisonment of Erkenesh, Duko angrily made plans to
arrest him and take him to the same jail. Before he could
carry out his plans against Godana, he participated in a horse race. His horse took a bad fall with him, and his skull burst
open and his brains fell out causing instant death.
The Murri church has gone through many hardships.
Though their church burned two times, they became the first church to reach a membership of one thousand members in
Jemjem. Addo Wacho came with a new rifle and boasted he would put one bullet in the twice rebuilt church to set it afire. But an angel of God put unseen fire on his body and no one could come near him because of the heat. He suffered
horribly for five days before he died screaming continually, "The God of the Apostolic church is burning me to death!"
Even after death, water poured over the body could not cool
it, a blanket dipped in water sent up clouds of steam and they could only bury him after they wound his body with tree
limbs and leaves.
People saw how mightily the hand of God moved in answer to our prayers in Jesus name and came from
everywhere to receive healing and deliverance from all their diseases and demon possession.. When we sang the demons