Page 91 - Then Came the Glory
P. 91
Growth in Jerry em
up and walked home.
A rich man named Tesfaye Yilma who lived in Borre
had an insane son who would not stay in the house but wandered in the jungle shouting and babbling day and night. Some of the saints told his father, "If you will take your son to the Apostolic church he will be restored to normal."
The father didn't pay much attention at first for he had taken the boy many places for five years trying to find
help. Besides the boy could run as fast as a car travels, and if they caught him they couldn't hold him. One day someone
caught him and his father bound him with chains and brought him to the church. When the leaders prayed for him, Jesus
healed him instantly. Now Tesfaye supports the church, and since he is a famous man, the people who oppose us must be
The good Word spread to Aroresa; twenty-two
churches sent for Brother Godana to baptize them. Because of this, enemies of the truth burned their church buildings. The saints gathered with humility and prayed on the ashes. Because of their sweet spirit and long-suffering, God did
many remarkable miracles and their numbers increased. A group of people from different denominations came to challenge us and the Spirit caused them to surrender to the Gospel.
Denominational leaders forbade their members to
greet or even speak to the Apostolics. They couldn't separate them, for they live in the same place and many are blood relations. Our people feel the burden to witness to everyone
and believe they can win at least one soul a week. Moslems came repenting and got baptized and wizards brought their instruments of sorcery and burned them so they could follow the Lord. When the flow of new believers increased more