Page 92 - Then Came the Glory
P. 92

 Then Came the Glory
than they could handle, the preachers asked Brother Godana to come to Gura Wotano to teach the people. Immediately severe persecution broke out; they baptized ninety-nine
people at night and left. The new saints stood firm, even
though the enemy burned their homes.
The worst persecution came in 1986-87. Ato Mamo
Bitaye, the district administrator, burned eight churches in one day. He brought his militia, surrounded Brother Wako's
church and fired many rounds of bullets while the saints inside bowed before the Lord and prayed. It made the militia
angry when they burst inside and found the people all alive so they beat them unmercifully. The administrator led his
men away feeling happy over their unmerciful deeds. On the
way home someone invited them for a feast on a fat goat. Somehow, the fat meat did not set well with the administrator; his stomach swelled until it almost burst and he died. Many believers escaped injury since this cruel man passed away, for he planned to completely do away with the Apostolic church.
In the locality of Awaye, the husband and family of an insane woman got tired of trying to keep her chained up and abandoned her. One day the villagers told him, "A
healing religion has come to our district and they heal people like your wife. Why don't you take her?"
He answered, "I am fed up with healers; I have tried
many of them and they all failed, maybe I will try it."
He took her and by prayer in the name of Jesus, the
devils came out and she inunediately received the Holy Ghost. Through this all of her family followed the Lord and a church has been established in their village where miracles happen in every service. The deaf hear, the dumb speak, and many near to death with swollen abdomens or other serious

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