Page 93 - Then Came the Glory
P. 93

 Growth in Jenyem
ailments are carried in on stretchers and leave leaping and
Bayu Dukale, a member of the Lutheran church, came to challenge the church in a conference. Before he
could ask the questions the Gospel preached by different ministers broke his heart and brought him to his knees. After his baptism in the Name of Jesus he received the Holy Ghost and returned to witness to the fifty churches in his area. Many of them received the message gladly; 1,035
experienced baptizm in the river in one day. Today, Brother
Bayu pastors more than three thousand souls.
Genale Arere, a leader of fifty-two churches, came
to us lately. Having received and obeyed the truth, he returned to his province using wisdom to convince the churches to follow the Word of God. We have received a
message now that all understand and a large baptismal service will be held soon.
A minister of the Evangelical Church, Ayele Arere walked two days from Hagre Mariam determined to prove the Apostolic doctrine wrong. The Spirit of the Lord defeated him and with a broken heart he obeyed the Lord. He returned home and now is leading a great revival.
The Gospel spreads swiftly with power and wonder works. In nine years 38,261 souls have been baptized in
Jemjem. If the Lord continues to work at this rate, we believe the rest of the population will come to the true
Gospel shortly. We trust the current 120 churches will be multiplied many fold.

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