Page 96 - Then Came the Glory
P. 96

 Then Came the Glory
area became so upset over the Holy Ghost falling in their Lutheran schools, hospitals, and churches she bribed the district administrator, Ato Liben, to force the former members to return to the church. While the first Apostolic conference convened with about a thousand people present, Liben sent the militia to surround them.
He started a false rumor that we had armed the
people and fled to a neighboring coimtry. The only arms the believers had in their hands was the Word of God. Liben's
men separated the men from the women, stripped off all their
clothes, and tortured them cruelly. He then offered them
papers, "If you will sign this form promising to return to the Lutheran Church, we will stop the torture."
"We received nothing from the Lutheran Church but some used clothing and a little wheat," the people answered. "In the Apostolic Church we have received life and power.
We would rather die than return."
God sent a cruel angel to kill the tormenters who
carried out Liben's orders; their bodies swelled horribly. In intense pain they felt as if rats ran up and down in their veins for several days before they died. The missionary contracted a quick-acting leprosy-like disease and lost body parts one by one until she died. Liben failed with the communists and now is in big trouble, but the Gospel spreads like wild fire.
In September 1987, Brother Isayas went to witness
in the Watts Buri locality. With mockery some of the people
brought a twenty-six year old insane woman who had been bound for eighteen years and could no longer walk; "We
have heard you Pentes can heal people. Let's see you heal this woman!"
Brother Isayas answered, "I cannot heal, but Jesus 84

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