Page 97 - Then Came the Glory
P. 97

 Borena Revival
who lives in me can heal her." By the time he finished
giving a Bible lesson, munerous snakes appeared from nowhere and circled the woman. Nothing deterred. Brother
Isayas rebuked them and commanded the demons to come out of the woman in Jesus Name. With a last cry of agony
forty demons fled and the snakes disappeared. Then he said, "Stand up and walk in Jesus name!" The young woman
jumped up and started walking—she is still healthy and
normal, today.
Then the people said, "The Apostolic Church has a
true healer God!"
On May 18, 1990, Brother Yosef was forced to
attend a local meeting, leaving his church without a pastor
that day. A blind man came to his church seeking healing
and not finding Yosef went to the meeting looking for him.
The people present looked at Yosef and at the blind man and
began to mock, "How can this foolish blind man think he will be healed in a Pente church. Ha ha!." Everyone's tongue
started wagging and Yosef was glad to get away when the
meeting finally ended.
He took the man to his church and prayed for him,
"O Lord, your name is despised by the heathen. We are also
despised. Now, Lord, for your holy name's sake will you look upon this blind man and restore his sight."
Nothing happened and the blind man went home. He wakened in the night and looked to the right and could see
his surroundings, then looked left and saw everything
clearly. With mounting excitement he woke up the whole family, "I can see! I can see!"
Skeptically, his father pointed out different objects. "What is this? What is that?" When he correctly identified
everything his father indicated, he realized, "Truly, my son 8S

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