Page 98 - Then Came the Glory
P. 98

 Then Came the Glory
can see!"
When word went out about the miracle in the name
of Jesus Christ, the people who mocked feared and the
village elders said, "These Jesus only people are different and their God is different. If anyone touches them, death will
follow him. Watch out for these people." These words ended
persecution in that area and the church reaches out in every direction.
The culture of Borena and the Gospel are
diametrically opposed; when a landlord dies, his son is his
successor and must throw every child bom to him for the
next eight years to the hyenas. This is supposed to protect
the rest of his children from the plague. Members of each
tribe are under an obligation to kill a man from another
tribe, otherwise they think Satan will attack them. When one
took the initiative and killed a man from another tribe, war
costing the lives of many people began and stopped only when the state intervened.
Since our church expands between the Guji and
Borena tribes, the elders of each tribe, zealous of
maintaining the old ways, became both annoyed and fearful.
They feared Satan might be angry and kill them if they did not do something. Elders from five localities met together to
discuss this critical matter. They realized they could not
bring the people back to a heathen culmre, so they decided to destroy the people who brought this religion to their area.
On July 25, 1990 they made a resolution to kill forty
Apostolic Church preachers. They invited them to come for a meeting with a pretense of good-will.
On the third day of a three-day prayer and fasting, the preachers made the day-long joumey to the appointed
place where the village elders had hidden guns and rods.

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