Page 25 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 25

Although  Napoleon  is  a  harsher  and  sterner  master  than  the

       reader is given to believe Jones ever was, his total transformation

       into  Jones  is  nevertheless  considered  to  be  Napoleon's  worst

       crime. Napoleon is trading with humans, sleeping in Jones' bed,

       eating  off  of  Jones'  plate,  drinking  beer,  donning  a  derby  hat,

       walking on two legs, and raising a toast with Mr. Pilkington by the

       book's conclusion. The Seventh Commandment was changed by

       him  to  read,  "ALL  ANIMALS  ARE  EQUAL  BUT  SOME  ARE  MORE

       EQUAL THAN OTHERS," in his final act of propaganda. This action

       reveals his unwavering conviction that he belongs in total

       control of the farm.

       Napoleon completely

       disregarded the advice of

       Old Major, as evidenced by

       his restoration of the name

       Manor Farm.

       Adishree Laxmi Shrestha

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