Page 20 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 20
Apology Letter to Peter
Southeast Alaska Date: June 29th 2022
Dear Dear Peter,
How are you? I heard a lot has happened to you and how your health is
not good. I heard that you even tried to end your own life. Peter, I know a
lot of things have happened between us and I was a total jerk. Because
of me you are suffering and I truly am sorry for that, you may not believe
me but since last time I met you I have changed a lot. I have started to
see life from a different perspective. I also know that just saying sorry
won't heal all your scars, we have to heal each other. Writing this letter is
not only important for you but it's also important for me to heal. I am truly
trying to change and become a better person. I know you may not
completely forgive but still please read this letter and consider my
Everything is a circle. You are also in a circle. Lots of people are lost, they
can’t find where they belong in the circle. I was one of those people who
was lost, and couldn't find his place in the circle. This made me feel like I
could never be part of it, and was angry at those who were like you. This
is the circle of anger. The one that hurts me and the people around me. I
was blinded by that anger, and couldn't tell apart right from wrong. I
grew up in an abusive household with a father who doesn't even
remember my birthday and as a result of all the anger my parents
released onto me, I spilled it onto you and caused irreversible damage.
I'm really sorry for what I've done and I hope I can soon enter your circle of
forgiveness. I know it may be too much to ask, but you can take your time.
When I said I changed for the better I really mean it. This is my second
chance on the island, the first time I failed but since the last time I have
learned a lot. Going to this island was very important for me and I really
think it helped me heal. Before, I always used to hit people. It made me
feel good, it felt like I had a lot of power, hitting innocent people like you.
I loved when people used to be scared of me. I always thought that
manipulating and hitting people was a great power to have. I never
viewed it from the victims’ perspective and that was wrong. I wanted to
die, I thought living was no use and I thought no one really cared about
me, 16