Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 6
Acrostic Poem नामको क वता :
The word acrostic comes from नामको प हलो अ र वा कन श दको
a Greek word “acros” which means प हलो अ रबाट ल खन क वता
outermost, “stichos” which means
line of poetry. As a literary form
the basic acrostic is a poem in
which the first letter of the
lines deep downward, forms
a word from a phrase
or sentence.
W - Wonderful creature with only 80 thousand of them left
H - Heaviest animal weighing more than 200 tons.
A - Agile swimmers can swim more than 23 miles per hour.
L - Literally bigger than a car.
E - Excellent eater! Can eat 3,600 kgs of meat in a take.
Susmit Shakya