Page 9 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 9
The Quatrain
is simply a poem or a stanza of four lines. It is considered to be the favorite
of the traditional English verse forms. The word quatrain comes from Fre nch
‘quatre’ and the Latin word ‘quathior’ both meaning four. The first and third
line have a word rhyming with each other. This is called tetrastich.
The Moon She says it's a piece of cake,
The moon is shining But she doesn't really bake,
Like a white ball of light glowing And when she bakes, she says “Help me
This is the beginning for god sake!”,
As the stars are just showing. And says the ingredients are fake,
In the night Oh lord! How will she learn to make?
A white horse neighs Oh god, she's giving me a headache!
As it looks bright This surely was a mistake
and continues on its way. She says while drinking
the last sip of her milkshake
A shooting star appears
As a bolt Now she needs a break,
It came after years Which makes it impossible for her to
Looks like a colt. stay awake,
Felt like she was dreaming of the lake
Aayusha Thapa Made her realize that she was wide
Ridima Pradhanang