Page 12 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 12
Visual Poem
are poetic reflections of visual contents such as
paintings, sculptures, etc. The one included here is
based on famous paintings of different eras.
Napoleon the Great
A person in a fancy room
Beautiful Lady With a subtle hint of gloom
The man is Napoleon
She with her red silky hair Standing like a lion
And her skin so fair
With the stare of the devil’s daughter Napoleon the great
There are many men who sought her Many people hate
The man from France
Her ocean blue eyes And he likes to prance
Which are filled with lies
Falling for her will lead to your demise Conquered half of Europe
Yet she can see your temptation in And gave people hope
your eyes Charged into battle
Had humble beginnings with cattle
Many men call her hot He has his arm in his coat
But they don't realize Didn't like to gloat
That in her web you will be caught Defeated the Germans many times
Your fall she craves a lot But never committed any crimes
With her red luscious lips Went from zero to hero
And her long eyelashes Didn't let his ego grow
Her beautiful smile He didn't like to wait
And that is Napoleon the Great
Will push you off the cliff Parth Rana
So don't fall for the devil’s daughter
There were many who sought her
But they never reached
So don't, don't fall for her or you'll be leashed
Raghav Shah 8