Page 13 - Cornice_Grade 8
P. 13
Couplet Ballad
A unit of verse consisting of two successive The Ballad poem originated as a folk that tells us
lines, usually rhyming and having the same an enticing story. People make and sing Ballad in
meter and often forming a complete thought cultures that have no reading or writing, as well as
or syntactic unit. in those that do.
Life Sitting in agentle tree
Watching the seasons go by
It is all I need
Yet a tear stings my eyes
I start from my haven
Looking out from my porch
Depressing at what can't be
Gazing at what we wish it to be
I see fire raging
Across a hilly plain
I see trees become a page
And guns causing pain
The shortness of life is like a drop of ink So sad and much pain
When it ends we will never be able to link. Our will to care shows no avail
Like gentle rain
The world follows its dream Becoming fierce hail
Deep inside they hear the heart scream
Nature is filled with serenity
With every word as loud as desire Get filled with the untamed wild
To any extent goes like a bonfire Nature is filled with love
Yet is filled with hate
Nirbecca Thapa
Naabim Prasai