Page 12 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 12


                                                                Though Ode originated in ancient Greece; our children
                                                                have adapted it gracefully to outpour their praise for the
                                                                almighty Apollo and various creations on earth.

                                                              Ode to Football

                                                              Football, o’ football, what a game you are.
                                                              Where many people come to play in unity from near to far,
                                                              A strategic sport, a very good one indeed,
                                                              You provide entertainment, all that we need.

                                                              Football, o’ football, You are the most popular sport,
                                                              When it comes to players, it comes in all sorts,
                                                              The objective is to kick the ball inside the post,
            Ode to Apollo                                     Football, to you I want to raise a toast.

            Oh, how you bring light to us,                    We race down the pitch as the fans cheer for the players,
            And bless us with the eastern sunrise.            All of the spectators in the crowd pray their prayers,
            Bringing day to us,                               In this game there can be many good plays,
            And light up the blue skies                       All of the sportsmen earn their praise.

            Oh, how bravely you fought Python,                The gentle breeze embraces all of the athletes,
            With your arrow nocked in your bow.               The fans have to accept where this path leads.
            To avenge your mother, you shot,                  We can pass and dribble shoot and much much more,
            And now, your victory is shown                    Let us feel and know what it has in  store.

            Oh, how you gave us music,                        Every goal makes the crowd roar with delight and applause,
            The ability to harmonize and sing.                Let me tell you how good this game will be, still is and was,
            A way to tell stories,                            You can be a playmaker with dribbling passing very good,
            And make the best of kings.                       Or you could be a goalscorer, the most loved player that has
                                                              ever stood.
            Oh, how you give us prophecies,
            Channeling your power through oracles.            O’ football o’ football, you are so great,
            Allowing us to foresee the future,                Go on people, try football before it is too late.
            And help heroes avoid obstacles
                                                              - Akrish Thapa
            Oh, what an amazing god you are,
            A god, one-of-a-kind.
            Now, with the western sunset,
            You are always on our minds,

            - Kunga Chodon Sherpa
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