Page 16 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 16
Students Trying Their Hands on
Creating Suspense Stories Trying to be
the replica of
Author’s note Agatha Christie
Please note that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take anything from this
book seriously. Thank you!!
Dedication Confession
This book is dedicated to my friend Humaid. I hope he gets well soon.
It was around 6 a.m in the morning. I got out on. I firstly opened the note that came with the box.
of bed and rushed to the kitchen to see what made It said:
that noise. I saw Timo, my pet cat, and assumed it
was he who had caused that noise. I was wrong. As I Dear Tsering,
went to get the broom and dustpan to clean the mess, I hope you enjoy the little present I prepared for you,
I saw that the front door was open. I stood there in with lots of love.
shock for a while. Wasn’t Timo the one who broke
that glass? I stood in the rain, looking up towards the In curiosity, I opened the box.
vast sky. Wondering why this had happened to me. I was horrified. The event haunts me till this very day.
The box itself held severed body parts of a woman.
This dates back to a few weeks earlier. I still Who could this woman possibly be?
remember the morning it all started, unlike other Why was this sent to me?
times, I forget things easily due to my bad memory. Who could’ve done such a thing?
I woke up to the sound of something breaking in the I was traumatized. I quickly closed the box and put it
kitchen. I couldn't help but wonder why the front in another room.
door was open. I grabbed my phone and called the police.
“Hello?” I said.
Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself, my “Yes, what is the problem?”
bad memory. I’m Tsering, a Nepali who currently “I received a present from someone unknown, it
lives in Bouddha. I have long black hair, small dark contained severed body parts of a woman, including
brown eyes, pale skin, and I wear glasses. I’m 19 right a note!”
now. My parents live in Thamel. I live here in Boud- “...”
dha with my boyfriend, Abhishek and my cat Timo. “Hello, is anybody there?”
You may be thinking, boyfriend? Don’t you mean “Please give us your address.”
girlfriend? But that isn't the case. You see, I’m gay. “Bouddha, Tusal, in the alley behind KFC.”
My dad, who I call papa, was disgusted when I came “We’ll be on our way. Please do not panic and stay
out to my parents, took mama and moved to Thamel. calm.”
I first met Abhishek on graduation day. We’ve been The policeman then hung up.
dating for 2 years now. He’s tall, has black hair, beau-
tiful hazel eyes, pale skin, and a mole under his eye. Stay calm? Don’t panic? I had no clue what to do.
After all, I just woke up and it was a lot to process at
There was a box outside and it even had a a time.
note with it. It was wrapped in beautiful red wrap- I washed my face in the kitchen sink and waited for
ping paper. I didn’t know who left this but I was the police to arrive.
freaking out. I wanted to call Abhishek for help but I Did I know the woman? I thought. I was never really
couldn’t as he would’ve probably been busy. He was in contact with any women, besides my mom.
out and would be back later today in the afternoon ...
due to his band practice. I walked towards the door Could it be..?
and tried picking up the present. I failed to do so, as ...
it had a terrible odor. I held my breath and picked it No way.
up, rushing inside to put it on the kitchen counter. NO ABSOLUTE WAY.
After doing so, I got a mask from my room and put it