Page 18 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 18
my boyfriend. Once we got there I ap- always hanging out with you and stuff.” He said.
proached papa. What he said, to my dismay, made complete sense.
“Hello papa.” I said. “But why did you tell me?” I asked.
“Hello Tsering. And this boy. Is he-” “I felt guilty,” he replied.
“Yes, he’s my boyfriend papa.” “You did all this for me, and now you’re giving it all
“I see.” up?”
I didn’t expect him to be so calm. I was “Yes. I love you and I can’t see you suffer. I thought
honestly shocked. you would love me more than your mom, but I guess
“Hello uncle.” Replied Abhi I was wrong. I’m sorry. You can do anything you
“Hello there. What is your name?” wish. Just please forgive me.”
“Abhishek uncle. But you may call me Abhi
for short.” Sure, I was angry with him and wanted to beat him
“Alright. Please head inside and sit down.” right on the spot, but his confession calmed me.
We walked through the front gate..
Abhishek seemed a bit uncomfortable to be “You killed my mom, I can’t forgive you. But I can
there at the ghewa with me. keep it a secret. I appreciate your confession and
“Hey, is everything alright?” I asked him. all but this is goodbye. Please don’t come back ever
“Yeah.” he replied. again.”
“You can tell me if anything is the problem, “I’m sorry.” He said.
you know, I'm here for you.” I asked him to leave. He agreed and left. It started to
“I'm not sure if you would want to know, rain. Papa came and asked me where Abhi was. I told
though…” him he left. He told me to get inside or else I'll catch
“C'mon, it can't be that bad.” a cold and get sick. I stood in the rain, looking up to-
“Can you promise me something before?” wards the vast sky. This brings us back to the present
“Sure what is it?” time. I went inside. Throughout the ghewa, I couldn’t
“Promise me you won’t get angry..” keep a clear mind. It was time to leave. Papa walked
“Okay sure, I promise.” towards me and hugged me tight.
“So uh..” “I’m sorry I've been a bad father.”
“Yes?” “...”
“I killed your mother.” “I’m sorry I was never there for you. I never asked
“...” about your whereabouts or how you are. So please,
He what? Abhishek had to be lying. There's stay here with me. I promise I won’t leave you again.
no way he could’ve done something so cru- I accept you for who you are. It was hard back then.
el! Mama had never done anything to him. Please forgive me.”
He would never do that. I asked him once “Papa..”
again to confirm. He started to cry.
“You’re lying right?” I asked him. I hugged him back.
“No, I'm being serious.” “It’s okay. I’m here papa. I know it’s hard. But I’m here
“Why would you do that?” for you.” I said.
“Because she always interfered between us.” And so that was that. I went back to Bouddha and
“...” packed my belongings and took Timo with me. We
“Isn’t it obvious? It was a Friday. I didn't both went back to papa in Thamel and lived there.
have band practice that day. And besides, I’m not sure what happened to Abhi, but I hope he’s
no one else would have the key to the front learnt a lesson. There’s one thing I'm sure of, I've
door to our house.” been happy ever after, even though mama isn’t here
“But couldn’t there have been a robber or with me. She’s in a better place now and we’re very
something who could’ve broken in? And happy for her.
couldn’t you have called the other members
for extra practice that day?”
“I could’ve.” He replied. - Aura Lama Gurung
“But I couldn’t help it. I envied Tara for
being so close to you. I wanted her to go
away. To stop interfering with us. She was