Page 20 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 20



                                   During the year of early   unfortunately for them Viraj got extremely sick and
                            2000, there was a middle class    he passed away weeks later. The family was devastat-
                            family looking for a big house to   ed and it was a death they certainly wouldn’t recover
                            live and stay peacefully.         from.
                            “KIRAN!!” come fast we’re
                            going to look at some houses             One day, Kiran found an attic of which she
                            right now” her brother Viraj      decided to explore a bit to see what was there and to
                            screamed. “COMING!” . Kiran       her surprise she found a beautiful portrait of a little
                            was a kind and calm girl with     girl. The girl looked extremely happy. Kiran imme-
                            excellent grades. She had jett    diately went and showed the portrait to her parents.
                            black hair and deep brown eyes,   They started looking into the story behind this por-
                            Viraj was an exact copy of Kiran   trait.
                            except he was quite mischievous
                            and wild. Dad and Mom were               A month later they got a mysterious knock
                            waiting in the car for the chil-  on the door, “Sheila, Sheila come to me” an unfamil-
                            dren to come, Sunita Aunty and    iar voice, Kiran opened the door to find an old man
                            Rajesh Uncle were extremely       looking for someone named Sheila but Kiran couldn’t
                            chill and the family was more     help but notice the utmost resemblance between the
                            than gleeful together. They lived   old man and the girl in the portrait. Kiran mentioned
                            in the small country Nepal in     this to her parents and they decided to ask the man
                            Kathmandu.                        about the mysterious portrait. As soon as he saw the
                                                              picture he let out a scream of happiness “SHEILA!!
                                   “Mom, look!! Sheila        MY GIRL”, “Sir? Do you know who she is?” Sunita
                            street” Viraj said, pointing at   asked. The man was surprised seeing that the fam-
                            the street sign. Sheila street was   ily didn’t know the story of Sheila. He replied, “Yes,
                            a very captivating place. It was   that is my darling Sheila, my beloved daughter, we
                            awfully quiet and peaceful. “Ah   moved into this town years ago, this same house, it
                            yes” Rajesh replied, “Do you      was a loud town years ago. My daughter, Sheila, was
                            guys want to take a tour around   friends with everybody here and everyone adored
                            Sheila street just to see if there   her as much as I did. Sheila had a beautiful person-
                            are options there?”               ality that no one could forget but one day when she
                                                              was 11 years old she got extremely ill and soon she
                                   They exited the car and    passed away. All of us were devastated but after her
                            for sure, it was definitely their   passing sudden miracles occurred and we believed it
                            lucky day! There was an an-       was the doing of Sheila’s kind spirit. The town then
                            tique house for sale, not too big,   contributed little to each to make this portrait of her.”
                            not too small. The house had      He ended his story and told the family to bring the
                            a warm bright beige color and     portrait to town to celebrate her comeback.
                            it impressed the small fami-
                            ly. Soon, the house was at the           The family was touched and that very day
                            top of their options. After a lot   everyone celebrated Sheila coming back. After the
                            of  planning they decided to      small gathering Kiran took the picture in which she
                            purchase the house and moved      saw Viraj talking to Sheila. Viraj looked straight at
                            in.  “I wonder where the name     Kiran and said “I’m safe now, sis!” and Kiran finally
                            Sheila came from,” Kiran asked    smiled for the first time in months.
                            curiously. Months had passed
                            after the family moved in but     - Gaurika Shah
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