Page 19 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 19

was in the news for killing 18 people. Now Nirmal
                                                              was here, he tried to catch all of us, but somehow
                                             Left             I  managed to escape in a boat and sailed far in the

                                                              lake. I fell asleep and when my eyes opened I was in
                                             to               an island and thinking of only 3 words :

                                             Die              REPEL

                                                                     I reached  in for my phone (no signal). “UGH
                                                              I HATE THIS”, I thought to myself. I walked a little
                                                              far to find service. I tried to call my family but the
                                                              phone was dead. I had nowhere to go .

                                                                     I searched left and right and couldn't find
                                                              nor see anyone. I climbed up a tree and slept on its

               It was an all crystal day, the sun was shining   branch.
        bright, the lake was cool, and our stay in the cabins
        were delightful. It was a day when my friends and I          I woke up hearing weird noises and footprints
        were just going to sit back and relax. We started to   near me. I got scared and fumbled for a bamboo stick
        pack our stuff in the cabins, got dressed and went to   nearby as I got down from the tree. I held on to the
        the lake to dive. Everyone was swimming. I was just   stick and escaped the scene from behind the tree.
        relaxing, staring into the woods, when I saw a weird   I heard steps following me. When I turned, I saw  a
        masked person or a creature. He was very tall, almost   black figure. He stopped his mindless shuffling, and
        6 feet and he was wearing a long black coat.          turned slowly to face me. Like the other thing back
                                                              in the camp, he was absolutely disgusting. His nose

               I thought I was just imagining it, until one   was ripped entirely from his face, only a jagged crater
        of my friends thought he too saw the same masked      remained. One eye was probably missing and the
        figure. Everyone looked and saw the same figure who   bottom part of his jaw was missing entirely.
        suddenly started moving into the water. My friends
        got out and ran, we all stayed in the cabin for the           I raised the bamboo high and hit his head.
        whole night but not all of us were there. One of our   He fell on the ground moaning loudly. I bashed the
        friends was missing.                                  bamboo again and again on his head. On the third
                                                              hit, his skull cracked, and on the fourth the head split
               It was 11:01 at night, when we heard our door   open, with a wet squishing sound, almost as if some-
        banging. All of us were terrified. The scariest thing   one had burst open a watermelon.
        was when at 11:45 p.m my friend (Shaurya) went to
        fix the power because the lights were flickering. Even       I quickly looked around, hoping that his
        though he was scared, he would do it for us.          dying moans had not attracted others. But I saw that
                                                              half a dozen of them were coming out from the caves

        He didn't return after that.
                                                                     I panicked and began to run away and  I saw
                                                              another boat on the island. I ran fast and jumped
               But soon the banging noises continued and      onto the boat and started rowing faster and faster
        got softer, then louder again. I was stuck there with   . When I looked back I saw Nirmal behind me. He
        my friends with candles lit. The banging stopped for   with a grinning smile bumped my boat and I fell
        a while then my missing friend’s body was thrown      down in the water. I didn't know how to swim and
        through the window drenched in a pool of blood. We    soon felt my lungs filled with water and then a total
        screamed as we now saw a serial killer named Nirmal   blackout!
        entering the scene. He had escaped  prison, and he
                                                              - Saanvi Karki
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