Page 17 - Cornice_Grade 7
P. 17

for her the whole night, she didn’t come home.”
                                                              “Oh.. Well you see papa, I think- I think- I think she’s
                                                              “..What makes you think such a thing..?”
                                                              “This morning papa, I received a present box with a
                                                              note and a woman’s severed body parts inside. I don’t
                                                              get why anyone would send that to me.. Nor, who
                                                              that could be.. But I believe it could be mama.. You
                                                              know, after all she’s the only woman I talk to often..
                                                              The woman I'm most close to..”
                                                              “That makes sense.. I’ll report her missing for now, I
                                                              don’t think the police will think of me as innocent if
                                                              I tell them she was murdered. Call me if you figure
                                                              anything out. I’ll get going for now.”
                                                                     It was true. She was really gone. I was infuri-
                                                              ated. Who could’ve done this? Who would want to
                                                              see me suffer? She was innocent. She never did any
                                                              harm to anyone. I tried thinking of all possible sus-
                                                              pects who could do something like this. Maybe papa?
                                                              But no, he couldn’t do that. He loved mama. Even
                                                              if he was disgusted by me, he loved her. He would
                                                              never do anything like that. I didn’t know what to
                                                              do. It was hard to believe that she was actually dead.
                                                              I thought of going back to bed and sleeping it off,

        Worried, I tried calling mama. She wasn’t picking up.  and also as I didn’t really wake up so early. But that’s
        Is mama okay? Why isn’t she picking up? Where is      when the police arrived. They asked me questions
        she? How is she? I tried to calm down. I was being    about the incident and took the box back to their
        paranoid. Maybe the body wasn’t mama’s? I got         station. They told me they would call me if anything
        another call from papa. It was unusual as papa never   was needed from me. After that I ended up sleeping
        really called me.                                     until my stomach woke me up, as it was empty. I got
        I picked it up.                                       up and ate food. I checked the time, it was 2 p.m. It
        “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Tsering.” Papa said.  was about time Abhishek would come home. After
        “Yes, it has. I never thought you would call me ever   10 minutes, I heard my phone ring. I went to pick it
        again” I said.                                        up. It was the police. The police told me that the body
        “Nor did I, but this is about your mother.”           was identified and that it was my mom indeed. I was
        “...Is she okay?”                                     about to break down on the spot but then I heard the
        “I thought you would know. She calls you regularly,   doorbell ring. It was Abhi. It really was him. I never
        doesn’t she?”                                         thought I would’ve been so happy to see him in my
        “So you knew?”                                        entire life. As soon as I opened the door, I hugged
        “I did, and I allowed it as well. You should appreciate   him and cried. He was startled, but hugged me back.
        it.”                                                  He helped comfort me by saying that we all lose
        “Okay. Thanks I guess.”                               someone we love, and that we have to accept it, and
        “Well, have you seen your mama or heard of her at     that he was there for me if I ever needed him. We
        least?”                                               ended up watching movies together and spending
        “No, not at all. We usually called on Fridays, which   time to cheer up. I felt better as Abhi was here with
        you probably knew, but as she had a reunion with      me now.
        her friends that day, we couldn’t call. Does that mean
        she’s missing?”                                              The next day I woke up and made breakfast
        “I'm not sure. She should’ve been home by yester-     for the two of us. I woke Abhi up and then we ate. It
        day. She told me she would notify me if she had a     was already 9am. We got ready to go to the ghewa. I
        sleepover or anything. I even called her friend, she   was ready to introduce Abhi to papa as well. On the
        said that Tara had left around 9:00 p.m. But I waited   way I kept rehearsing how to tell papa that Abhi was
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