Page 14 - 2021 - 05 - second edition CCS InTouch - outlines_Neat
P. 14
The Sacred Expression of Lament
By Wendy Groenewegen on behalf of CCS Racial Diversity and Belonging Committee
RECENTLY I HEARD the phrase, “the and our own privilege and unconscious
sacred expression of lament,” and it res- bias, can invoke two initial responses.
onated with me. This past year, living in a One response is a defensiveness; “It’s a grief so heavy, and a pain too difficult to
pandemic has been tough for all of us. It not me. I’m not intolerant. I have not hurt bear. Their world was broken. They said
has been painful and raw, full of losses, anyone.” The other response is dismis- to Jesus, “if you were here, our broth-
grief, and difficulties that many of us have siveness, “But is that really true? How er would not have died.” Was it a faith
not experienced before. We’ve been in can we know for certain? Does it really statement or broken words of frustration?
isolation, holding our grief alone and dis- happen at our school? Surely there is a (John 11)
tanced. We’ve also held fear and uncer- reason for this behaviour. Let’s just see
tainty. We have collectively felt the need how the dust settles.” If Jesus was anything like us, he might
to lament. have become defensive. He told them
The members of the Racial Diversity and he was coming, but he took three days
Last May, the world heard about George Belonging Committee at CCS under- because Lazarus wasn’t the only life that
Floyd and the world rose up in response. stand these responses and have worked mattered. Other people had needed Je-
through them ourselves. We have done sus too, and he healed them along the
I remember hearing the news, and my re- a lot of learning, listening, and educat- way. If Jesus was like us, he may have di-
sponse was personal and visceral. Some- ing ourselves to get through this initial minished their pain. Why were they weep-
thing inside me broke. My youngest two response. We had guests speak with ing? Didn’t they know he was the Son of
children are Black, and so this tragedy our committee. Students of colour have God? He was going to raise their brother
hit me hard. I wept for the senseless loss, shared with us what their experiences in just a few moments.
for the cruelty, and for the brokenness. I have been like as students at CCS and
wept tears of repentance at my own com- at other Christian schools. We had the Yet the Bible says that when Jesus saw
plicity. What part did I have to play in this privilege to host an educator and diversity Mary and all the family weeping, he was
tragedy? How can I do more, and what leader in the Christian school community deeply moved in spirit. And then...
can I learn? How had I stood by and toler- who has worked through these respons-
ated words of intolerance? When should I es with us. Slowly, our team is diversify- Jesus wept.
have spoken up, and when should I have ing, and as more parents in the school
been paying better attention? have joined us, we are starting to better He was moved by their pain and he wept.
reflect the population of our student body. The Son of God told the disciples that he
Over this past year, COVID-19 racism has We have learned from each other. was going to wake Lazarus up. He knew
been on the rise. Our Asian brothers and his plan and in his divinity saw into the
sisters have been reporting increased vi- It is difficult to move past our initial de- future and the result was clear. And yet,
olence, aggression, and assault toward fenses and to enter into the pain of anoth- He was moved by their pain and anguish,
them. This is true in Canada as well. Can- er human being and then to sit and share and...
ada has a higher number of anti-Asian their suffering, but this is what love looks
racism reports per Asian capita than in like. Love is not passive, and it is more He wept.
the United States. This includes verbal than just tolerance. It doesn’t wait and
abuse, harassment, racial slurs, threats watch and ask, “prove to me this is your The sacred expression of lament. The
and derogatory remarks. The Asian com- experience.” Love enters in. It is brave, it world is not as it should be. The pain of
munity is reporting targeted coughing, hurts, and it is humble. Love casts aside others is so heavy to hold. The movement
spitting, physical attacks and violence. pride, sits in its own discomfort, and lis- of the Spirit that prompts us to feel anoth-
( tens. Then love weeps with those who er’s anguish and weep.
weep, and mourns with those who mourn.
This is what the Calvin Christian School This is the sacred act of lament. ** Celebrating diversity and all of the
Racial Diversity and Belonging Commit- unique and beautiful ways that God has
tee is learning about, and the journey that Jesus modelled for us the sacred act created us is important. We know that
we have been on. We have been in a of lament. Jesus heard that his friend we are all made in His image. We want
posture of repentance and reflection. Lazarus was gravely ill. He was on his to see the colour, race, culture and expe-
way to Lazarus, and told his disciples he riences of each other. This is the beau-
The challenge is to move beyond our was going to “wake him up.” Martha and tiful tapestry that God has created. We
own feelings on hearing another’s pain. then Mary both met him as he neared. want our school to be a community that
Learning about racism and inequities, They came toward him with anguish, with reflects the heaven we are told about in
14 inTouch June 2021