Page 15 - 2021 - 05 - second edition CCS InTouch - outlines_Neat
P. 15

Revelation, where “a  great multitude that no one could  number,  from every  nation,
          from all tribes and peoples and languages stand before the throne and before the
          Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9)

         And yet, celebrating isn’t enough. We need to recognize that each person has a story,   100% not for profit.
          and an experience that we couldn’t possibly understand from our own limited view. We   100% volunteer run.
          need to start listening to each other, start putting aside our initial feelings of defensive-  100% donation supported.
          ness, and examining ourselves to acknowledge that we all have unconscious bias. We
          need to see our own privilege and recognize inequities. We need to learn to listen. We   1050 Upper Gage Avenue
          need to build relationships, honour each other, and value each other’s input. We need to   905-560-5410
          amplify the voices of those who are feeling oppressed. It is good to weep together, yes,
          but then work to do better.                                                   Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 10-5
                                                                                        Thurs 10-6, Sat 10-3
         The broken world is all around us. Racism exists. We need to speak out against injus-
          tice, and as a good friend of mine once                                       The store is a thriving
          said to me, “And we need to call it that                                      community and uses its
          (unjust). And when the voices of those                                        financial surpluses to support
          hurting break because it’s all too hard,                                      special projects at CCS, with a
          and because they can see the face of                                          tithe given to a wide variety of
          their  loved  one  in  each  one  who  has                                    agencies and charities across
          suffered;  they  need  their  people,  their                                  Hamilton.
          church, family and friends and commu-
          nity to call it that for them.”                                               Thank you to our customers,
                                                              volunteers, and to God for his
         This is the work of the Racial Diversity and                                   blessings.
          Belonging Committee. It is hard work, but                                     HAVE THINGS TO DONATE?
          it is good work. Would you join us?                  We accept and appreciate
                                                                                        clothes, housewares,
                                                                                        furniture, etc.

                                                                                        WANT TO VOLUNTEER?
                                                                                        We can always use more
                                                                                        help! Please sign up for a
                                                                                        regular weekly time slot.


                                   Isabelle V., 6B                       Rose G., 6B

                                                                                        Overheard in a grade 1 classroom,
                                                                                        while working on chromebooks, one
                                                                                        student said to another, “Did you
                                                                                        know that even computers can get
                                                                                        the virus?”

                                                                                        Unintended pun of the week:
                                                                                        Teacher: Why were you in the bath-
                                                                                          room so long?
                                                                                        Student: I was stalling.

                                                                                        Grade 2 student on a really nice day
                                                                                        in March: “I could live in this day

                                    Hayan K., 5B                         Noah D., 5B

                                                                                                June 2021  inTouch  15
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