Page 5 - 2022 NABCA Annual Conference Brochure
P. 5


                 Tuesday                                         Wednesday
                 May 24                                          May 25

                 10:15 am – 11:30 am                             10:15 am – 11:30 am

                 Grand Sonoran Ballroom                          Grand Sonoran Ballroom

                 Business Session I:                             Business Session II:

                 AB ‘C’ Suite:                                   In the “Spirit” of

                 An Executive View of                            Helping: A Look at the
                 the Changing Business                           Positives that Spirits

                 Landscape                                       Revenue Can Bring

                 Over the course of the last few years, we have   From private sector philanthropy to government
                 seen significant shifts  in the beverage  alcohol   funding for public health and safety, spirits
                 industry. COVID has not only introduced new     revenues are used in many altruistic ways to
                 and unique challenges such as supply  chain     better society and offset harms caused by
                 and workforce issues but has also accelerated   misuse of the product. In this session you will
                 new topics  like Ecommerce  and delivery. In    learn about some of these incredible and
                 this business session, well-known interviewer   generous programs, and where there are
                 Geoff Colvin will engage  ‘C’ level executives   potential opportunities to contribute even more.
                 from the beverage alcohol industry on an array   This session will inform, promote, and hopefully
                 of relevant topics ranging from digital media to   inspire this continuing effort to put these dollars
                 hiring trends.                                  to beneficial use.

                 GEOFF COLVIN, Senior Editor-at-Large, Fortune
                 and Bestselling Author

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