Page 6 - 2022 NABCA Annual Conference Brochure
P. 6


                 Monday                                          Monday
                 May 23                                          May 23

                 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm                               3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

                 Wildflower Ballroom A                           Wildflower Ballroom B

                 Workshop I: Alcohol                             Workshop II:
                 Regulatory and Policy                           Data Enhancements and

                 Update                                          Taking SAM on the Road

                 This year's legislative cycle continued the     NABCA provides some of the most timely and
                 rapid pace of change we have seen since the     detailed data available to the Beverage Alcohol
                 onset of COVID. With everything from product    Industry. In 2021, NABCA added Virginia Daily
                 definitions to direct-to-consumer sales up for   Account Level Sales and will soon add Michigan
                 debate, the alcohol industry seems poised for a   ADA  Daily  Account  Level  Sales,  completing
                 decade of unparalleled evolutions. During this   the portfolio of  Daily Account Level Sales
                 workshop, we’ll discuss the state and federal   data for all eighteen Control Jurisdictions. Our
                 trends which have had the largest impact on     Tech Stack Modernization effort will provide
                 control systems--and by extension, the alcohol   significant benefits to NABCA subscribers in
                 market writ large. Join these experts as they   the form of more timely monthly closings and
                 highlight key actions from our states, Congress,   responses to industry changes, such as new
                 and federal agency partners.                    sizes  and  container  types.  Simplified  mobile
                                                                 access to SAM data for sales teams will become
                                                                 a reality in 2022 by utilizing Dimensional
                                                                 Insight®’s Diver Gateway for the iPad. Diver
                 STEVEN L. SCHMIDT, Senior Vice President of     Gateway will provide your sales team access to
                 Public Policy, NABCA                            product market share and NABCA data while
                                                                 in their territory at any time.

                                                                 DAVID JACKSON, SVP Trade Relations, Chief
                                                                 Operations Officer, NABCA
                                                                 AMY GROLLMAN, Director, MIS Programs,
                                                                 STEVEN WOYICKI, SR., Director, MIS Services,

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