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MEET THE TEAM Welcome to June’s
issue of Numark
Head of Marketing
Communications & Customer Membership
Head of Brand &
Marketing Campaigns
Print & Production Manager
JENNIFER JONES In this month’s Numark magazine
Content Marketing Manager foreword, I’d like to highlight
independent prescribing, over the
EMMA GILMOUR counter healthcare and as we get
Content Marketing Executive ready for a hopefully sunny summer
and trips away, the opportunity to
JADE MILLWARD provide a travel health service.
Marketing Campaign Manager
Returning to independent prescribing, this is
DONNA ELLISON something that the network will be adopting over the
JAKE GRAYSON next few years and certainly in five years’ time, I can
Marketing Campaign Executive see the majority of community pharmacies having an
independent prescriber practicing in them. That will
CATHY CROSSTHWAITE require our network to consider how it operates each
Web Content & pharmacy and how it prepares itself for prescribing
Trade Planning Manager and supply of medicines from the same premises. This
will allow us to deliver our desire to care for people
CHE EARL with long term conditions in a community pharmacy
Events Manager setting and thus help keep people well at home.
One of the other activities I’ve been involved in since
Graphic Designer Manager the last magazine has been a trip to the Netherlands
to see how they are using automation and scanning
within the complete pharmacy supply process.
SAUL NAYLOR Interestingly for me, the pharmacy that I visited
advised that it had removed its individual assembly
NATALIE HILL robotic technology because it had moved to a much
Graphic Designer
more centralised filling model. This could present
us in the UK with an opportunity to jump a stage in
CONTRIBUTORS assembly automation and will be an interesting area
Sam Sapseid, Lucy Morris, to explore and fully think through all the implications
Sue Swift, Emily Jones,
Suzanne Johnson, Jacquie Lee, across the supply chain.
Laura Carmichael, Maud Orr,
Accord Healthcare I have also managed to arrange visits to all the chief
pharmacists across the UK and I will be talking to
them about their policy direction. Look out for articles
in later magazines updating you on what those
discussions have been.
Numark is a division of PHOENIX
Healthcare Distribution Limited.
Registered Office:
Rivington Road, Whitehouse
Industrial Estate, Preston Brook,
Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DJ
Registered in England and Wales No
00129370 Refer to NumarkNet for
terms and conditions.
14/05/2024 14:04:28
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P4403.59-V52_Numark Magazine June 24 PRINT.indd 2 14/05/2024 14:04:28