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In this month’s issue of your Numark Membership
              magazine we will be featuring the Pharmacy First
              England service and focusing on the common
              condition infected insect bites and how Numark
              can support you with running the service. We will
              cover the training available to you to ensure your
              team are upskilled in this topic and also OTC
              support for those patients that don’t make it
              through the clinical pathway.
              With the summer comes the impending
              holidays abroad your patients will be taking.
              We have provided a comprehensive article
              detailing the profitability that can be gained
              from setting up and running a Private Travel
              Health Service.

              Additionally, we have an article detailing
              the new Information Governance (IG)
              Requirements in Wales and what our Welsh
              members need to do to determine whether
              their information within the organisation is
              handled and protected appropriately.
              Alongside this we have included proposition
              updates and manufacturer offers for our
              community pharmacy Numark members.
              I hope you enjoy this month’s
              magazine and I hope to see
              you at this month’s Numark


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