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Brand Support
March 2024
As a Numark member you have access to one of the largest range of
Brand Support Deals available in the market. Our deals are regularly
reviewed to make sure they are competitive and we continually look
for new deals and discuss opportunities with suppliers.
We also look at Brand Support Deals on products that have recently come off-
patent, for example we recently introduced a deal on the Ranexa range.
Please see below the latest prices and rebates available on this deal with
Ranexa, which we will continue to monitor so the deal stays competitive:
Invoice Price Numark
Brand UK assuming Brand Net % Off
Pipcode Support Trade wholesaler/ support price (£) Trade
Product Price (£) manufacturer rebate (£)
discount (£)
343-3703 48.98 44.08 26.58 17.50 64%
375MG 60
343-3711 48.98 44.08 26.58 17.50 64%
500MG 60
343-3729 48.98 44.08 26.58 17.50 64%
750MG 60
(Deal price and rebate correct as of February – for latest deal prices look out for the monthly
commercial emails and download the BSD calculator on NumarkNet where we highlight any
new deals plus any changes to existing deals each month)
08/02/2024 12:08:29
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P4403.59-V49_Numark Magazine March 24.indd 30 08/02/2024 12:08:29