Page 33 - P4403.59-V49_Numark Magazine March 24 PRINT
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Records for the specials should be kept for five years and
be made available if needed for inspection by the Licensing
Authority. Prescriptions should be endorsed with-
• the prescriber's details
• the batch number of the special
• the source of the special or imported unlicensed product
• the quantity of each sale or supply
• the person to whom and the date on which the special or imported
unlicensed product was sold or supplied.
For imported unlicensed products not listed in the part 7S, you must make
every effort to effort to obtain a COC or COA, if these are unavailable
the contractor must stamp, date, initial and endorse the invoice with the
invoice price less the discount, with the prescribers details.
If the product is in Part 7S, the only other fee that can be claimed
in exceptional cases is next day dispensing but contractors must
also seek authorisation for this . If the unlicensed medicines is
in Part 7S no endorsements are needed apart from the next day
dispensing prescription additional costs, and supported by the
supplier’s invoice where necessary.
The endorsements for a prescription of a non-listed 7S special
when authorised are-
• ‘SP’ and the invoice price less any discount or rebate obtained
• ‘HC3000’ which is a fixed payment of £30 for sourcing the
most cost effective product
• ‘XP’ and an appropriate value in pence for any out of Pocket
expensed or wholesaler handling charges
For more information visit:
08/02/2024 12:08:30
P4403.59-V49_Numark Magazine March 24.indd 33
P4403.59-V49_Numark Magazine March 24.indd 33 08/02/2024 12:08:30