Page 32 - P4403.59-V49_Numark Magazine March 24 PRINT
P. 32
ASK Our Information
Services agony
aunt Sue Swift
SUE shares your
recent queries
around The
Drug Tariff.
Remember - Information Services are here to offer a helping hand whenever you need them.
Let us do the work so you can concentrate on helping your team and your patients.
Q: How would I obtain the pre-authorisation to dispense special items in Scotland?
A: Firstly you should always contact the prescriber to let them
know that they have prescribed a ‘special’ before you phone for
authorisation. This should be part of your due diligence clinical
check as both the pharmacist and the prescriber will have shared
responsibility and liability. By making the prescriber aware that they
have prescribed an unlicensed product it may create an opportunity
for them to consider a licensed alternative.
If the unlicensed special medicine is not in part 7S of the Scottish Drug Tariff you will
need to obtain authorisation from your local Health Board who will advise you where you
have to obtain the product from. If you do not do this the Health Board may reclaim the
difference between the price that they would have approved and the invoice price. If
the Health Board is going to claim any money back they usually let the contractor know
28 days in advance so that they can make an appeal. It is always best to check Part 7S
each month to check the specials that have been added or removed from this section..
Once you have obtained an authorisation code you only need to call once for the special
item for the same patient in a 12 month period, a follow up call is only required if the
preparation alters or the price changes by 20% from the original authorised amount.
Sometimes the Health Board may give a shorter time than 12 months for clinical reasons.
08/02/2024 12:08:30
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