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MEET THE TEAM                    Welcome to this

                                             month’s issue of
               EMMA CHARLESWORTH
                 Head of Marketing
             Communications & Customer       Numark Membership

                  LEEROY BURDON              magazine
                  Head of Brand &
                Marketing Campaigns
                                               WITH HARRY MCQUILLAN
                   GEORGE FARR
              Print & Production Manager
                                              Does community pharmacy need to
                  JENNIFER JONES
              Content Marketing Manager       look forward, than focusing on the rear
                                              view mirror?
                 DOMINIC WILLIAMS
             Content Marketing Executive      Most of you will know that I have joined
                                              Numark after seventeen years at Community
                  JADE MILLWARD               Pharmacy Scotland and have extensive
             Marketing Campaign Manager
                                              knowledge of what was developed there.
                  DONNA ELLISON               In my new role as Numark Chairman, I have been
                  JAKE GRAYSON                learning the intricacies of the respective funding
             Marketing Campaign Executive     arrangements across the four UK countries and
                                              wondered, “What is it within these that advances or
               CATHY CROSSTHWAITE             holds back community pharmacy practice?”.
                   Web Content &
               Trade Planning Manager         My experience would suggest that whatever
                                              remuneration and reimbursement mechanism is put
                                              in place, it must form a stable platform for community
                     CHE EARL
                  Events Manager              pharmacy businesses and if not encourage, certainly
                                              allow, pharmacy owners to have the confidence to
                ANTHONY MATTHEWS              invest in their premises and their teams.
              Graphic Designer Manager        On reflection, the main difference I can see is that the
                                              mechanism deployed in Scotland allows the network
                   SAUL NAYLOR                to look forward and develop, whereas I feel the others
                  CHARLIE ELLIOTT             has the network always looking back over its shoulder
                   NATALIE HILL               so to speak, waiting for the next reduction in tariff
                  Graphic Designer            pricing or clawback mechanism.  That is where the
                                              rear-view mirror analogy comes from and as most
                  CONTRIBUTORS                people who are drivers or passengers in cars know,
             Sam Sapseid, EMIS Health, Lucy   you really want your eyes firmly looking at the road
             Morris, Sue Swift, Emily Jones,   ahead and to the horizon.
             Suzanne Johnson, Jacquie Lee,
                  Laura Carmichael.           I’m not saying that a tariff mechanism is a bad
                                              idea, what I am advocating for is the recognition by
                                              governments and colleague community pharmacy
                                              owners, that the reimbursement approach has a
                                              tripartite role i.e. to allow the delivery of the respective
                                              country’s health priorities; provide the NHS with high
                                              quality medicines at a value adding price and to
                                              ensure the network has the confidence to fully deliver
           Numark is a division of PHOENIX
           Healthcare Distribution Limited.   NHS services and invest in its estate. It is when that
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