Page 25 - P4403.59-V51_Numark Magazine May 24 DIGITAL
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Have you given your allergy range
        additional space?

        As well as displaying your allergy products in their dedicated
        section of your pharmacy, you can also review space behind
        the counter area to support quick access for colleagues
        to provide the right choices for customers and spotlight
        the range further. This not only boosts visibility but also
        optimises the potential for increased sales and margins.

        Round the clock care

        Once you have your fixtures, products and display
        units in place remember to…

                         I.    Order regularly to keep
                               ahead of demand.

                                  II.    Keep a bulk stock of the fast
                                         movers in the stock room.

                                      III.    Keep your colleagues up to date with

                                              allergy training on the Numark Training
                                              platform at

        Seasonal spikes happen with little or no warning, so it

        is important you are well stocked for if this happens.

        To browse the entire own brand allergy range and
        order now visit

            Also you can access planograms and more ranging support
            by visiting or downloading our core

            range at

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